New album news from Anders!


Jun 3, 2001
Annandale, NJ, USA
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Sorry if this has already been posted. This is from the official site...

Here's guitarist Anders to deliver the goods on the commenced album making -- "Our process of writing/pre-producing the new album has started to take off well now. This nocturnal obediance has left us with about 12 tracks so far, of which some are already complete and some are still being purged and thrown around. We hope to be able to record around 15 songs of which about 10-11 should land on the album."

Anders continues, "As for speculations on what the new album will sound like, we can confirm that the people who guessed it would be HARDER & DARKER were correct, yes that's right! Katatonia are NOT taking a softer turn, as this is by far the most hard material we've ever written, but make no mistake, it does NOT link to a "back to the roots" retrospect. Getting into details, I could mention that an overall upbeat pace has been applied to the main songs, we've dropped tuning from D# to C, more arrangements go beyond the repeated verse/chorus chain and even a few double bass drums parts appear!!! As for the synth/electronic part, there's been some strings, piano and mellotrone used as well as a few incorporated loops, but its not dominating, whats dominating are the crushing guitars, the real deal drums and the vocal patterns. Stay tuned..."

This sounds fucking awesome!