NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Same happened with Your Days Are Numbered or The Days Are Numbered...

They can't even get their song titles right XD.

I can't help but feel sorry for Arcane though. Must be difficult feeling so disappointed by one of your favourite band. I can't imagine how I'd feel if CoB disappointed me...
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Honestly, I am devastated.
I don't think that the song is actually bad. But that solo is just another example that Alexi is not the guitarist he was anymore.
I mean, I literally started playing electric guitar because of this band, and after ten years of practicing I can play most solos better than Alexi does live. What happened to this guy?!

I did not expect the new album to be a second Follow the Reaper. But even in my disappointment I am curious what the actual album will deliver.
Are they legit selling that reaper statue? It looks awful wtf, wouldn't be out of place in He-Man or something like that.
Can't believe people is whining that much about the single, it is just what I've been missing about bodom since 2003, it is melody driven, not riff driven, it got a happy vibe, just like pre HCDR. Rehased solo, yeah, not unlike every song since AYDY. It doesnt bother me that much at all, of course I wish for a really original superflashy solo, but one step at the time, best melodies since 2001-3 is good enough. Alexi used fucked up effects on his vocals back then too. Arcane, what is your favorite album? AYDY?
Problem is, it's not melody driven. Verse doesn't have melody, intro/chorus is just a small lick. Everytime I Die is melody driven, Silent Night, Bodom Night is melody driven, this isn't.
It is melody driven, it is not a complex melody, but still a melody, but to put it in better context of what I like, it is not chugging riffs, verse is just synth, bass and drums, some of Needled 24/7 verse was about the same, and that is a kickass song.
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Can't believe people is whining that much about the single, it is just what I've been missing about bodom since 2003, it is melody driven, not riff driven, it got a happy vibe, just like pre HCDR. Rehased solo, yeah, not unlike every song since AYDY. It doesnt bother me that much at all, of course I wish for a really original superflashy solo, but one step at the time, best melodies since 2001-3 is good enough. Alexi used fucked up effects on his vocals back then too. Arcane, what is your favorite album? AYDY?

It's not melody driven, though. It's only got the one melody, which is basic and boring. Melody driven is when the songs have multiple melodies, and they flow into each other. This song has the elements of a COB song, but it's just too basic. If it's a filler, fine. But if this is what Alexi can muster than he's finished.
It's not melody driven, though. It's only got the one melody, which is basic and boring. Melody driven is when the songs have multiple melodies, and they flow into each other. This song has the elements of a COB song, but it's just too basic. If it's a filler, fine. But if this is what Alexi can muster than he's finished.

So Bodom has been boring since way before you joined the forum? Then why did you join? It is a single, they are supposed to be simple and easy to listen to, this kind of is, you dont put Kissing the Shadows as the first single, this one, needled 24/7, Blooddrunk and WIWI(even if I hate those last two, they are still very single material) heck you can argue that Downfall is a basic and simple song if you look away from the solos at the end.
The 321 dislikes are from me.
It's not just you. I don't like it either. If it was completely original it would be somewhat better as the intro riffs and chorus are okay. But it's just rehashed stuff so they don't even have that going for them.

Still, holding out hope for some good songs.
It is melody driven
It is not.
best melodies since 2001-3 is good enough.
Melodie. Singular.
Arcane, what is your favorite album? AYDY?
I don't have a favorite album. There's one album which I don't like (Bloddrunk) and 8 or 9 albums which all got some good and some less good songs in it. I usualy tend to like their last album the most because of the fewer plays.

the catchy melodies,
Melodie. Singular.

That song has one fucking melody which is played over and over again and you guys are talking about pre AYDY era - are you kidding me?

A typical Bodom song before AYDY was devided into (exaggerated) Intro, verse, some kind of filler,other verse, solo, intro, some kind of a chorus, verse, bridge, solo, weird chorus, end. And all parts are different.

That new song is devided into Intro, verse, intro, verse, chorus, bridge, solo, bridge, intro, chorus, end. 11 parts of whom only 3 parts sound different. The Intro+Chorus, the verse + solo, the bridge.


By the way... to learn a song from FTR or HB I always need around a few hours. For under grass and clover it took me less than 30 minutes because it's always the same.
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Holy fuck are people getting bent out of shape because (surprise) this is not another FTR/HB. One would think after 5 full albums (and 15 years) of not returning to it it (next to Alexi's newfound/reborn/actuallyitwasalwaysthere love for glam metal/rock) it would be clear it is foolish to wait for such an album.

Call it as you want, fixate on it being "melody" or "melodies", but this is WAY more melodical than the last albums, less "chuga chuga" or as it used to be called around here "Lamb Of God riffs", indeed short and sweet, and catchy as hell, which I don't know about you but to me is the common denominator of most of their best songs (SNBN, KTS, HCD, LB, TDE, Downfall, Ugly, Sixpounder, FTR, BAM, Warheart... I could keep going, I think my point is clear).

Yes, the solo is basically a pattented "Alexi's lead magic box medley", but to be honest it sounds good, it does the job, and it does not sound forced, so I am pretty happy with it (remember the whammy wankery in WIWI?).

To be honest, if this is any indication of how the album is going to be it looks like Alexi finally landed where he seemed destined to: heavily rock n' roll influenced metal, with his fucked up lyrings sung over actually often "happy" melodies, and I for one could not be happier. If the rest of the album follows suit it might very well go pretty high up my favourites list.
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Although I think the song is ok melody-wise, it does lack a lot of replay value unlike pre-IWC albums. When the album comes out, I will probably skip this song like I did with Transference.
People need to relax. This songs wasn't meant for us here, or for those who think that COB begins and ends with FTR, or for the "old school" fans. Like Morrigan, Transference, Was It Worth It, it's happier, catchy, simpler, more accessible. It's meant to attract new fans not to re-assure the hard core fans. It's not going to be the best song of the album, it could be even among the weaker songs, I suspect. None of these 4 songs was in any way representative of the album it's in. Hexed is going to have a couple of great songs, some good ones and a couple not so good ones.

I've gotten into Grass and Clover a bit more over the days for the one cool melody. But just like with Morrigan I suspect I will forget quickly about it once the rest comes out.
I guess Alexi wanted to demonstrate the major scale stuff he learned with Local Band. I think the sounds are great for COB, but what made Bodom special was the darkness and melodic epicness in the songs. This is very easily digested and filtered for COB fans' ears and doesn't shock. I think this kind of bands should aim to shock in their songwriting. But I'm sure there will be a couple dark songs and it'll be exciting to hear the Knuckleduster remix. Oh and Halo of Blood is still their best song since many many years.
Uhm, Bodom was never a Darkmetal band - or known for their dark songs. If someone who never heard Bodom before would ask me, how to describe their style, I still would call them a melodic metal band, even if the last melodic album came out 16 years ago. That's how I got to know them.

However, I'm not an old school fan, nor do I wish old Bodom back - I think IWC, HOB and RRF are great albums, as well as FTR and HCDR (except for a few blunder). I'm happy if there will be songs like Widdershins, Hate me, Ugly, NMF, T,L&S, RLIME, HB or Knuckleduster- so musically all over the place.

I just don't like that song and I think it's not worthy to be called a good Bodom song, because that is not Bodom. As a guitarist and tabber I know that Bodom songs are never easy to play, never be recycled and never had such a simple and repetitive structure before. It may has a catchy melody for some of you guys (at least it HAS a melody unlike IWC), and opinions are different, that's fine and good, but please - just don't compare it with old Bodom.

And since WIWI and IWC were their weakest songs in contrast to the rest of the respective albums, I know that Hexed will be a good one too.
So Bodom has been boring since way before you joined the forum? Then why did you join? It is a single, they are supposed to be simple and easy to listen to, this kind of is, you dont put Kissing the Shadows as the first single, this one, needled 24/7, Blooddrunk and WIWI(even if I hate those last two, they are still very single material) heck you can argue that Downfall is a basic and simple song if you look away from the solos at the end.

That's why I said if it's a filler, that's fine. But compared even to the best songs on AYDY this song is a far cry from good COB. My first post was I think this song is just like "was it worth it" for RRF, in that it's a pop filler song for the masses to sell the albun. It sounds like RRF to me, so I'm hoping that this album has a song on the level of not my funeral. But at the end of the day it's whatever floats your guys' boats. I don't hate other people opinions, even when people think it sounds like it could belong on HCDR.
The intro melody is decent (Sounds like something from HOB) and the bridge riff is decent (Sounds like something from IWC if IWC were any good). As a whole the song is far too repetitive and gets boring really quickly. The sounds are pretty good (Never liked the guitars on IWC), and the keyboard is far more involved than on IWC which is also great. TLDR: the song is quite mediocre, but it definitely promises a better album than IWC.
Oh man can’t even describe how disappointing the new song is to me. It sounds like a joking Andrew wk cover song