NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

The keyboard/guitar bridge in Say Never Look Back is very nice. Knuckleduster (Remix) is the most bizarre song in their entire discography.
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The guitar solo in Glass Houses is so free flowing and oldschool, wish Alexi developed the theme further, it kinda just ends abruptly.
I guess Hecate's Nightmare is gonna be the song I skip on this record, doesn't work for me at all. The riffs are too simple and repetitive and Jaska is doing this stupid 80's hair metal drum beat through the entire song, never changing the tempo.
I still think old Knuckleduster was better...and let me just say that IDontKnowWhatToWrite man...all these guys including me got old and are the real fan and don't let anyone or anything break you! It's good to see someone still excited as a teenager for the new album! Good luck with your daily life issues :D
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Anyone have a link? Won’t have access to my computer for like 12 hours, will try to listen from my phone if it isn’t a .rar file.
Glass Houses starts so fucking pumped up but after 2:30 it just gets weird and boring and like they didn't know how to finish the song...and similar thing with Hecate's Nightmare...but maaan Kick In The Spleen is the real shit! That solo is oldschool fucking rampage
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First impression of soon departed is it's a very strong track. The solo seemed unremarkable, and there are no leads, but it works well. Kind of like this road. It's very solid modern COB. I like it.
I still think old Knuckleduster was better...and let me just say that IDontKnowWhatToWrite man...all these guys including me got old and are the real fan and don't let anyone or anything break you! It's good to see someone still excited as a teenager for the new album! Good luck with your daily life issues :D

Can't tell whether this is sarcasm or not, but I'll consider it isn't. I wouldn't consider myself anymore of a fan than others here. The fact that we are on a deserted Bodom forum is already the proof that we are quite dedicated to this band. But I think that Bodom has never disappointed my musical tastes. Or actually, they did twice, with Prayer for the afflicted and Was It Worth It?. That's literally the only two songs in all of Bodom's discography that I can't listen to and enjoy.
Point is, I discovered the band during their transition period (discovered them with Follow The Reaper album at the time they were about to release Are You Dead Yet?). I didn't know enough of the band at that time to have expectation regarding their musical directions, but I loved everything I heard, melodic, heavy, chugga-chugga, neo-classical, etc. And therefore, I've continued to like everything they've made. Included Relentless Reckless Forever, to the surprise of many "true fans".

As for my excitement, well, it is that of a teenager when it comes to Bodom :D I still remember when I was waiting for Blooddrunk, Relentless Reckless Forever, Halo of Blood, I Worship Chaos and it was exactly the same feeling of excitement as I have now. Hasn't changed since I was 15 :D
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First impression of Glass Houses is I'm not sure. It's not sticking. Again, not enough lead guitar. I'm not sure the pre-chorus and chorus work. It's going to take a lot of listens to try and appreciate this track.
I like Hecate's Nightmare. It's groovy, got headbanging moments, good solo, and it's got that cheerful but also heavy sound. Thumbs up for Hecate's.
Man, I had very low expectations for kick in the spleen. I thought it would be a typical trash track, but I'm glad I was wrong. This song feels like HCDR, it's got ANGER for the first time since 2005.That interlude is fucking incredible. First time I've gotten the goosebump feel from a COB in a long time! This song can definitely be on HCDR EASILY!!! Wow!!! A real solo, too. SLAP MY ASS SIDEWAYS!!!
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Hell yeah, found the link, got it working on my phone too.

Glass Houses is the tits but kind of weird
Can't tell whether this is sarcasm or not, but I'll consider it isn't. I wouldn't consider myself anymore of a fan than others here. The fact that we are on a deserted Bodom forum is already the proof that we are quite dedicated to this band. But I think that Bodom has never disappointed my musical tastes. Or actually, they did twice, with Prayer for the afflicted and Was It Worth It?. That's literally the only two songs in all of Bodom's discography that I can't listen to and enjoy.
Point is, I discovered the band during their transition period (discovered them with Follow The Reaper album at the time they were about to release Are You Dead Yet?). I didn't know enough of the band at that time to have expectation regarding their musical directions, but I loved everything I heard, melodic, heavy, chugga-chugga, neo-classical, etc. And therefore, I've continued to like everything they've made. Included Relentless Reckless Forever, to the surprise of many "true fans".

As for my excitement, well, it is that of a teenager when it comes to Bodom :D I still remember when I was waiting for Blooddrunk, Relentless Reckless Forever, Halo of Blood, I Worship Chaos and it was exactly the same feeling of excitement as I have now. Hasn't changed since I was 15 :D

Maaan it isn't sarcasm! I am not here to provoke or act stupid, trying to have good chat with everyone here, even the ones I don't understand sometimes haha. Just I started listening to Bodom at the age of 15 and they have been my favorite band since, they will always be. And I had a girl, love of my teenage days, and we both were the most psycho fans...and I am just glad to see someone as excited as I was back in the day and when the times were different...because even I now myself have doubts and don't get excited over music that much anyways, and it's good to see some people are, well...not done yet! It gives me the hope back as cheers!!!
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Guys, the track Hexed is the real deal. I can't believe my ears. I have never said this about any modern COB, but this one can belong on Follow the Reaper album. It's carried by leads, its high energy, its got a neoclassical twist, the chorus is so catchy, my god I can't believe my ears. It's got a mystical outro, too (which is kinda weird but whatever).

Fucking GREAT SONG!!!!!!!!!!!
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Okay so for me the weakest tracks are:
This Road
Glass Houses
Hecate's Nightmare

The last two actually start really well and the irony is these two I was expecting the most. But they both kind of feel unfinished towards the end.
Relapse is a pretty cool song. It's simple, but it's effective. It's got a good solo that really serves the song well. The main melody is a bit over done, but it doesn't feel that way. It's got a section that sounds "desperate" like Done With Every Die For Nothing. Very solid modern COB.
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