NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Say Never Look Back actually is one of my favorites from the album :D but I still can't figure out which songs I love the most because the overall album is just so damn awesome. All I know is that This Road is the weakest song to me ^^
I really start to dig the groove going on with The Road. Old school rock 'n' roll vibes in places.

Platitudes is starting to become my favourite song, if not for that still for me out of place breakdown (cool, but doesn't fit quite well) and the vocals in the chorus (also cool (it has worked in songs before), but also doesn't fit the song for me).
Hey Guys,

I just signed up here but Im a passive reader since prior Halo of Blood release. So Im already familiar with some peoples opinions on this forum (like Jonas is the guy who wants atmosphere, Arcane is the guitar expert and so on).

My first Bodom albums were HCD and AYDY and the first that I bought on release was Blooddrunk. Im one of these lucky guys who enjoy all the Bodom albums, new and old. Yes I even like RRF (Not my Funeral is one of the best songs ever imho). My favorites are HCD, FTR and BD. The only album I dont like/listen often to is Halo of Blood. But thats not because the songwriting would be bad, no the sound on this album is the problem for me. It sounds really boring/bland/generic and lacks any atmosphere (like Jonas would say it). I was happy, that IWC had a much better sound (imagine the Halo album with that sound. It would be so much better). So even if Halo had better writing than IWC, I would pick IWC over Halo every day. The best writing doesnt help, if the songs sound like shit.

So my biggest fear about Hexed was, that they might fuck up the sound again. But the singles made me very excited because the sound was great. And oh boy after listening to the whole album the complete weekend now, I can safely say the sound is absolutely fantastic. Its the best sound since Blooddrunk (The RRF sound was also good for the quite different style of that album) and I wouldnt mind it, if they would use this exact sound for the rest of their career. Its simply perfect. Now I actually wish, that they would rerecord Halo and IWC with that sound lol.

But not only the sound is great, also the songs are very good. There is not a single song on this record that I skip while listening to it. Every song has kind of its own twist aswell. Its fucking amazing. And Im propably the only one on this forum, who even enjoys the remix :D

I rate this album a 10/10.

So after my thoughts on the album, its time for some trivia talk. I remember that there was some irritation on this forum about the different track lenghts of knuckleduster on various websites. If this was brought up already, Im sorry for repeating it. But I noticed, that the hidden bonus track on the "normal" CD version is part of the "normal" knuckleduster rerecord, while its part of the remix on the "deluxe" version. Not only does this explain the different lenghts of the two knuckleduster songs, I also think its quite interesting, since this hidden track is obviously part of the normal record and by moving it into the remix track on the deluxe version, the bonus tracks kind of become included in the record. If anyone knows what I mean :D Usually, on Bodom records bonus tracks (covers) are really exactly that: A couple of extra songs "after" the normal record. But to me it kind of feels as if the live versions and the remix are really part of the core album in this case. Especially since the live versions have pretty much the same sound as the album, which was a very nice surprise. I initially was dissapointed by the lack of cover songs (and I would still have preffered two new covers only for the sake of having two additional new songs) and I expected these live versions to have a totally different sound and feel completely out of place, but as I said they really fit in quite well.

Speaking of that hidden track, I would really appreciate it, if anyone, who will meet the band on the upcoming tour, could ask them, why they decided to put it as hidden track at the end of the album instead of using it as an intro track (which it obviously was meant to be).

So another irritating thing was the huge delay of the album release. I have a theory for the reason of that delay. Nuclear Blast was kind of acquired by a french company called believe digital (alteast the acquired a majority stake) last year. If you check these YouTubeMusic Streams, it also says provided by Believe SAS .
The website of said company claims that they are experts in digital music distribution and marketing. I assume that they needed more time to set up an advertising campaign of the album. Ofcourse its just a theory, but it would make sense to me.
Of course the guy with creativity writes the music. Unless the band exists only to have fun. If somebody else wants to contribute his shitty ideas then he should start his own project. It's just remarkable how bad most people are with understanding how to create the right type of mood in any kind of art.

So u want to tell me that Roope and Daniel should start their own Project?
You know what guys. I might shock a few of you, but after 20/30 listening of the the album give or take, I can safely say that this album IS my #1 album in Bodom's discography. And believe me, no one can be more surprise than me saying this... I never thought I would love something more than Hate Crew Deathroll. But I do... I so do... I usually hate people who overrate things, but since Hate Crew Deathroll was a 10/10 for me, Hexed had to be 11/10.
@tragician I really wished I could meet Laiho like you did (But not after the first listening of the album, I needed some more time to fully appreciate its content) to tell him that he really outdid himself on this one... This is such a masterpiece.
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Hey Guys,

I just signed up here but Im a passive reader since prior Halo of Blood release. So Im already familiar with some peoples opinions on this forum (like Jonas is the guy who wants atmosphere, Arcane is the guitar expert and so on).

My first Bodom albums were HCD and AYDY and the first that I bought on release was Blooddrunk. Im one of these lucky guys who enjoy all the Bodom albums, new and old. Yes I even like RRF (Not my Funeral is one of the best songs ever imho). My favorites are HCD, FTR and BD. The only album I dont like/listen often to is Halo of Blood. But thats not because the songwriting would be bad, no the sound on this album is the problem for me. It sounds really boring/bland/generic and lacks any atmosphere (like Jonas would say it). I was happy, that IWC had a much better sound (imagine the Halo album with that sound. It would be so much better). So even if Halo had better writing than IWC, I would pick IWC over Halo every day. The best writing doesnt help, if the songs sound like shit.

So my biggest fear about Hexed was, that they might fuck up the sound again. But the singles made me very excited because the sound was great. And oh boy after listening to the whole album the complete weekend now, I can safely say the sound is absolutely fantastic. Its the best sound since Blooddrunk (The RRF sound was also good for the quite different style of that album) and I wouldnt mind it, if they would use this exact sound for the rest of their career. Its simply perfect. Now I actually wish, that they would rerecord Halo and IWC with that sound lol.

But not only the sound is great, also the songs are very good. There is not a single song on this record that I skip while listening to it. Every song has kind of its own twist aswell. Its fucking amazing. And Im propably the only one on this forum, who even enjoys the remix :D

I rate this album a 10/10.

So after my thoughts on the album, its time for some trivia talk. I remember that there was some irritation on this forum about the different track lenghts of knuckleduster on various websites. If this was brought up already, Im sorry for repeating it. But I noticed, that the hidden bonus track on the "normal" CD version is part of the "normal" knuckleduster rerecord, while its part of the remix on the "deluxe" version. Not only does this explain the different lenghts of the two knuckleduster songs, I also think its quite interesting, since this hidden track is obviously part of the normal record and by moving it into the remix track on the deluxe version, the bonus tracks kind of become included in the record. If anyone knows what I mean :D Usually, on Bodom records bonus tracks (covers) are really exactly that: A couple of extra songs "after" the normal record. But to me it kind of feels as if the live versions and the remix are really part of the core album in this case. Especially since the live versions have pretty much the same sound as the album, which was a very nice surprise. I initially was dissapointed by the lack of cover songs (and I would still have preffered two new covers only for the sake of having two additional new songs) and I expected these live versions to have a totally different sound and feel completely out of place, but as I said they really fit in quite well.

Speaking of that hidden track, I would really appreciate it, if anyone, who will meet the band on the upcoming tour, could ask them, why they decided to put it as hidden track at the end of the album instead of using it as an intro track (which it obviously was meant to be).

So another irritating thing was the huge delay of the album release. I have a theory for the reason of that delay. Nuclear Blast was kind of acquired by a french company called believe digital (alteast the acquired a majority stake) last year. If you check these YouTubeMusic Streams, it also says provided by Believe SAS .
The website of said company claims that they are experts in digital music distribution and marketing. I assume that they needed more time to set up an advertising campaign of the album. Ofcourse its just a theory, but it would make sense to me.

Welcome to the forum! :)

I would also very much like to know the whole deal with the supposed "Intro" track being moved to the end of Knuckleduster(s).
You know what guys. I might shock a few of you, but after 20/30 listening of the the album give or take, I can safely say that this album IS my #1 album in Bodom's discography. And believe me, no one can be more surprise than me saying this... I never thought I would love something more than Hate Crew Deathroll. But I do... I so do... I usually hate people who overrate things, but since Hate Crew Deathroll was a 10/10 for me, Hexed had to be 11/10.

I am yet completely unable to rank the album. I like it better than IWC, but apart from that I don't know. When I think about how good or bad it is, I rate it far lower than when I actually listen to it. Not quite sure why :D
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If the VIP tickets are actually worth a crock, I'll get to meet Laiho and the rest of the band briefly on this upcoming tour. Any good ideas for questions to ask, Hexed-based or otherwise?
Well as I said, it would be nice to know, why they decided to make the intro track a hidden track at the end instead of an actual intro track^^
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I know... I know... I am surprised too. But the more I listen to it, the more I am convinced.

Also, there is this French metal webzine which usually rates albums really harshly, and for the first time in a really long time they gave Hexed a 10/10. So I might not be the only one feeling this way (even though it is blasphemy haha)
I wonder what your rating criterias are to give an album 10/10... Taht means, especially in your case who gives a 11/10, that every song, the mixing, mastering, guitar tone, voice, etc... couldn't be any better.
For me there is a difference between a subjective score and a rational score.

I give Hatebreeder a 12/10 any day of the week, but rationally speaking it's nowhere near the perfect album and is it like an 8 or 9 tops.

Maybe that's the case here as well
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Well, let me explain myself then.
For me Hate Crew Deathroll was the absolute best album of all time. Loved every single song, and even the weakest ones (If I had to pick one, it would be Chokehold) had their place on this album. The riffs were sick, the solos were great and the general cohesion of the songs was just perfect. Also, the energy was raw, really raw. It didn't feel forced at any point unlike the more recent album. This overall perfection made it easily worth a 10/10. Hate Crew Deathroll was and is perfect.

Now, Hexed. Well, using the same criteria, I can safely say that in my opinion: The solos are great, technical, melodic, have Laiho written all over them yet are fresh and new. The album holds fantastically well together as a whole (I listened to the album in the correct song order and in random setting, for the former I never skipped at song, for the latter I always skipped Under Grass And Clover and Platitudes And Barren Words), it is put together in a way that makes even the weaker songs fit perfectly in and be 100% enjoyable as part of a whole. Laiho's voice is at its best. The atmosphere is great, subtle or present when it needs to be so. Keyboards are finally being put to good use as well again (Tabbing Soon Departed made me discover the keyboard layers I didn't hear during my first few listening of the song and it is absolutely stunning. Simple but it does the work perfectly). And last but not least, the riffs and melodies. I think that a huge part of the album is basically made of Laiho's best riffs to this day.
With all that in mind, I cannot give it the same grade as Hate Crew Deathroll. Both are perfect in their own way, but Hexed wins the top stop when it comes to my personal tastes. The 11/10 being only a stylistic way of displaying that it topped my previous idea of perfection, it would of course simply be another 10/10, but this would not illustrate that it topped Hate Crew Deathroll.

Ps: Production wise, Hexed just killed the game. I think it's one of the better produced album I've had the chance to hear to this date.
Also Arcane, it "couln't be better" than what we can get with today's technology, my gear and my knowledge of music. Maybe there are better albums out there, there actually probably are. But within everything I have ever listened to, only 2 albums made it to the 1-0/10. Hate Crew Deathroll and Hexed, but the latter outdid the former in term of production. So maybe the next album will outdo Hexed (I really hope it does!).
New personal ranking after a few days of listening:

1. Glass Houses
2. Relapse (The Nature of My Crime)
3. Kick in the Spleen
4. Knuckleduster
5. Say Never Look Back
6. Soon Departed
7. Hexed
8. Hecate’s Nightmare
9. This Road
10. Under Grass and Clover
11. Platitudes and Barren Words

Relapse is quickly becoming a favourite of mine.