NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Blooddrunk is not FTR part 2, it's very different than FTR. The atmosphere, the melody, the sound of keyboard... very different. Blooddrunk is not a bad album i think, but FTR is much better.

Good albums ( the first is better - for me ): 1. Hatebreeder 2. Follow The Reaper 3. Hate Crew Deathroll 4. Something Wild 5. Are you Dead Yet? 6(?). Hexed 7(?). Halo of Blood 8(?). Blooddrunk
Bad or less good albums: RRF & IWC
Blooddrunk is not FTR part 2, it's very different than FTR. The atmosphere, the melody, the sound of keyboard... very different. Blooddrunk is not a bad album i think, but FTR is much better.

Well thats your opinion and I accept it. But I honestly fail to understand, how that reviewer can bring Blooddrunk up as an example for a bad album and at the same time call Halo a return to FTR. Halo completely lacks any atmosphere in its sound and a cold dark atmosphere is a very strong part of the FTR album.
Calling Blooddrunk the part 2 of FTR is blasphemous. Blooddrunk is trashy, dark, depressing, and angry. FTR on the other hand is both dark and cheerful at the same time, it's epic, and it's definitely not trashy. I don't even know how to categorize FTR riffs as anything other than "bodom". Every song on FTR is a musical story rather than a collection of metal riffs.

Calling hexed the most melodic COB album is also blasphemous. It's the most groovy rhythm wise sure, but it doesn't even even close to as melodic as the prime COB albums.

That review has me re-listening to FTR and jesus christ... the stars aligned for that album. That will never be replicated again.
Blooddrunk is the most atmospheric of all the new albums after FTR, which is why I like it the most out of anything since FTR. Just a very very different atmosphere. It's got only two tracks I dislike (5 and 7). It doesn't touch FTR (or HB) tho. Musically it's not the best new album, but it's got this deep angst feel. It's not epic like FTR or eerie like HB and it's unnecessarily low pitch and thrashy. The first songs of Hatebreeder will always be the top moment of this band.
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Blooddrunk is the most atmospheric of all the new albums after FTR
I wouldnt say that other albums have no atmosphere, but Blooddrunk has this FTR feeling to it. Dark, cold, harsh.

If I listen to FTR and then Blooddrunk in a row, it feels like a natural connection to me. Thats why I call it FTR Part 2. Im not a musician, so I dont really care about if a riff is thrashy or melodic or whatever. What matters to me is the overall endproduct, if you know what I mean. So yeah, maybe Blooddrunk has very different riffs but it still has that FTR feeling for me like no other album has, especially not Halo lol.

Thats also why I ranked them both 9/10 and above all other albums except Hexed and HCD.
Atmosphere is one ingredient of what makes FTR the landmark album that it is. I mean, if that's all you look for in COB then that's great. But I can't help but feel like you're underappreciated other aspects of Bodom. It's kind of like taking some random oil painting and saying it's mona lisa part 2 because it's also painted with oil.
I'm still shocked everytime I see new pics or live videos, Alexi come on man what dafuq is going on ? At Wacken last year he looked pretty normal and not like a walking skeleton :(

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Atmosphere is one ingredient of what makes FTR the landmark album that it is. I mean, if that's all you look for in COB then that's great. But I can't help but feel like you're underappreciated other aspects of Bodom. It's kind of like taking some random oil painting and saying it's mona lisa part 2 because it's also painted with oil.

Its not only about the atmosphere in Bodom for me. I also really like the RRF album, which has a very mainstreamish sound. Not my Funeral is one of their best songs ever.

And I also dont enjoy Blooddrunk only because of its atmosphere. Songs like Hellhounds, Blooddrunk, SPFTD, Tie my Rope, Banned from Heaven are simply masterpieces to me.

The atmosphere is just the reason why I call it FTR Part 2. It simply has the same soundworld for me like FTR. And I also think that these two albums are quite similar in their way to use the keyboard and how they contain super fast and long solo parts. So the atmosphere isnt the only similarity here.

But also HCD for example has this dominant keyboards and long solos over the whole record, yet I would never call it FTR Part 2 because the soundworld to me is very different. Its not as harsh as FTR and BD.

I hope my reasons are now more understandable.
Surprises me that you call FTR dark, cold and harsh and compare it to Blooddrunk in atmosphere. FTR is the most Finnish-folky album of their discography and I certainly wouldn't call it dark. I isn't exactly happy either, but I'd call it picturesque. I think that's conveying the same idea as Norbix when he calls the songs musical stories. Blooddrunk is sure angry, don't know about dark.
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This is weird and interesting. People experience music in different ways. For me FTR and Blooddrunk have very different vibe. FTR is blissful and inviting, while still being dark... but Blooddrunk is dripping grudge and describing negative feelings. While making FTR Alexi had depression and seemed to have discovered alcohol to balance out things... while Blooddrunk deals with angering experiences with women, and the drinking/injury stuff that was going on.
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New CoB post:
The moment when your hair is thicker than your arms... I like the giveaway but I just can't get over Alexi's shape
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That video isn't new. I've seen it weeks before (could be that it was posted on instagram)

Anyways, if they're doing a live thing on FB again, they should better be prepared to answer the thousands "whats wrong with Alexi" questions they will get.

Maybe we will get an answer to the question even through Alexi said that's it's annoying so many people ask about that..
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When it's so annoying for him - why the fuck didn't say what's going on then?

IF I where famous and would read that THOUSANDS of people speculate over MY pathetic new look, I would definitley clear things up and tell them either guys, I'm ill, I have this and that.


Guys, everything's ok. I'm just not hungry.

But to say nothing is just stupid, because that doesn't make things any better. Rather just the opposite
Well if it's drugs he's obviously not going to reveal that. A lot of people also don't want to receive pity or empathy for having an illness, either. Not uncommon to keep that private.

This happened in the span of the last half year. I still think it's some kind of illness because I feel like at their age the band would have fixed this if they could already be it mental or drugs. Hopefully not Liver cancer or anything like that. He's abused alcohol since his teens, right?