NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Dude, the bottle of red wine... when you drink a liter of freshly pressed mandarin juice before bed, you'll be just fine the next morning.
Hi guys! I wasn’t going to write but I listened to the new album last week and reading all the comments here, I’m just to excited not to share my thoughts.
But first, I wanna pay my respects to sleeper666 who is no longer with us. She did such an awesome and devoted work back in the day with ScythesofBodom and so, even up until lately. I truly appreciated all this and I think most of us here. RIP

As for the new album, I legit got tears in my eyes when I was listening to it. Ok, maybe I’ve had a bottle of wine or two, but tracks like the title track, or “Kick in the Spleen” really had that old school vibe going on, I got chills. Also “glass houses”, what a fucking amazing track!!! BAM vibes right there. More technical tracks like “relapse” or “say never look back” are also fairly entertaining, I quite enjoyed listening to the whole album overall. I believe it’s one of those cases where the singles are the weakest tracks the album has to offer. To me, “under grass” is maybe the most generic track out of it. Anyways, I’d say this album is a bit like HCDR meets Blooddrunk and HOB with many neoclassical/oldschool references too. Like one that stands out rn is the bridge part at “kick in the spleen”, totally similar to SNBN bridge part, followed by epic keys! chills!! I’d say this one is my fav. I hope they play it live.

anyways, that’s about it! I think most of you will be pleased with it :)
Damn now I'm dying to hear the new album asap :( and you got me pretty excited for Kick in the Spleen with that SNBN similiar bridge... so I either have to wait for a leak for atleast for another 48h when it's up on Spotify :/
Used to frequent SoB quite a bit back in the day, sorry to hear it :(

I get super emotional and moody listening to music in general so now you got me even more hyped for the album!
They'll surely include some of those hexed tracks on the upcoming tour. Can't wait to see them next week.
Meanwhile got free tickets to see In Flames and Within Temptation tonight, lets hope its fun.
Well, shit. Never really used SOB but Sleeper was always quick in posting interviews and stuff to the forum, which was nice. RIP.

How'd you get to listen to the album Mrs.Bodom? Kick in the Spleen sounds far more interesting now than it did before :D
Well this album has been ready for quite a while, I was lucky enough to listen to some samples while I was in Finland some time ago, but I do write music reviews and interviews for a webzine, so it’s usually 2-3 weeks prior to the official release that we receive the promo files. Print magazines even earlier.

Dear Mr. Bodom,
I would like to review your album for my popular MySpace page with a whopping 12 followers (or, as its known, the entirety of MySpace's users). Let's talk business.
Widdershins <3

(Shit post in light of previous comments about early album access for low-volume reviewers)
Man, I was thinking to myself only a little while ago where has sleeper gone. Rest in peace.
But first, I wanna pay my respects to sleeper666 who is no longer with us. She did such an awesome and devoted work back in the day with ScythesofBodom and so, even up until lately. I truly appreciated all this and I think most of us here. RIP

Terrible news about sleeper666's passing. She was, no doubt, one of the most active, kind-hearted and unselfish contributors for all of us here who like to geek out on things relating to the band. Hats off.
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Well this album has been ready for quite a while, I was lucky enough to listen to some samples while I was in Finland some time ago, but I do write music reviews and interviews for a webzine, so it’s usually 2-3 weeks prior to the official release that we receive the promo files. Print magazines even earlier.

Hi @mrs.bodOm , just wondering, since we were talking about how some media have early access to the new material, how this thing works.

Do you get a CD, files via mail, or have to go some place to listen? What are the label measures to prevent a leak? I mean, does it rely solely on the medias not sharing it or are there more technical solution (burn preventation, limited listening, self-destruction files, anything...)?

I was also skeptical regarding Kick in the Spleen, but your comment made me really look forward to hearing that song.
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Brymir's new album is available on Soundcloud despite it's release date being the 8th. Not exactly a leak as it's official, but still. At least we'll get the album tomorrow night.
Not even night Esa. On French and German Amazon Music, the release date is set on the 7th. So it could be officially out by midnight today. Won't necessarily be, but we have reasons to hope.
Well, that would be nice :D

I might go catch a glimpse of the band tomorrow anyway. Sanomatalo where they're selling the album from 18:00 onwards tomorrow isn't too far from where I live.
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I would take the files aswell :D well atleast the 8 songs which aren't the singles. I would really appreciate it