NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

Guys... This might be really good news. While looking for "Children of Bodom Hexed" on Google, it displayed that one page had been removed for the search results because of Copyright infringement. The leak might be out there, waiting to be discovered and shared on platform such as GetMetal :D
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Don't get me too excited my friend! Talking about potential leaks is like playing with my feelings for the upcoming days :D
Sorry, I won't say anything until I actually find something.
The Google Search bot is actually pretty terrible and it could be something absolutely not related, but it just gave me hope.
Hi guys! I wasn’t going to write but I listened to the new album last week and reading all the comments here, I’m just to excited not to share my thoughts.
But first, I wanna pay my respects to sleeper666 who is no longer with us. She did such an awesome and devoted work back in the day with ScythesofBodom and so, even up until lately. I truly appreciated all this and I think most of us here. RIP

Wait what??? I found it weird coming here and not seeing any post more from her, but that I didn‘t expect. I of course respect if you cannot say anything, but if you can, what happened?

She really was great, if that is true, from the bottom of my heart RIP.
Guys, when I search for PABW on YouTube, 7 of the first 15 videos are „reactions“ Videos...

Did I miss anything or what is this new shit? Who cares about how other people react over a song on YouTube?!
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Guys, when I search for PABW on YouTube, 7 of the first 15 videos are „reactions“ Videos...

Did I miss anything or what is this new shit? Who cares about how other people react over a song on YouTube?!

Maybe it means we're getting old. I can't believe people watch people react to stuff, but at the same time I can't believe the popularity so many things these days.
Dude, for god sake, chill out. It's just an album and there's no difference if you hear it today, tomorrow or in two days. You react like one of those fags who camp next to an apple store, waiting for the next iPhone.
And I have no shame doing so. The difference between hearing it today, tomorrow or the day after might not seem much, but when you're already counting days like a prisoner, it feels like an eternity.
And I have no shame doing so. The difference between hearing it today, tomorrow or the day after might not seem much, but when you're already counting days like a prisoner, it feels like an eternity.

Setting yourself up for disappointment with that mentality. I honestly wanna hear the new Knuckleduster, and then perhaps a few songs will be nice, but I'm not expecting anything to give me the same chills as the old stuff.
Well, that's where we're different Joonas, the album I liked the least was probably IWC, but even this album I absolutely loved. And from what I've heard, Hexed is just going to be up there with my favorite.