new album question

your head on a pike

A Mongolian Yak
Jan 28, 2006
3rd dimension
it may be too early to ask, but does anyone in the band know how much (if any) keyboards will be on the new album?

i liked the few parts that oyvind did a lot, especially at the end of cloud constructor (for the longest time i thought that synth sequence was distorted guitars, until lars posted the anatomy of each song).
A couple of years!? Dammit, I really thought the new album was coming soon (like this year....) I can't think of a band that has taken longer to release an album following a prior one! I thought Arcturus took long between La Masquerade Infernale (1997) and The Sham Mirrors (2002), but you've beaten them!
a couple of years down the road????
theres got to be a way to bribe you guys or something sheeesh!
say it isnt so..........
karpsmom said:
A couple of years!? Dammit, I really thought the new album was coming soon (like this year....) I can't think of a band that has taken longer to release an album following a prior one! I thought Arcturus took long between La Masquerade Infernale (1997) and The Sham Mirrors (2002), but you've beaten them!

Sadus - Elements of Anger 1997
Sadus - Out for Blood February 28th, 2006

Good things come to those who wait. New Spiral Architect will kick ass. Patience young padawan.
asgeir said:
I only said we would start making a new album this year. We're not in a hurry (as if that's news for you...).

- Asgeir

Maybe you should just release it on the 10th anniversary of your debut, sounds like that's about when it will be finished, then you could do another one for the 20th anniversary. I think that would make SA the only band to have such a release schedule.
Do it like Sacred Blade from Canada...the sophomore is still waiting for about 20 years, and meanwhile, that guy issues remasters and re-recorded versions of the debut...makes sense!:tickled: