New album: Work has begun already....!!!!.....

Mikael Åkerfeldt;5751187 said:
I don't make decisions on who's getting recruited while I'm taking a shit.

In fairness that's where all my best decisions are made.
I saw Axe live at least once, (I think twice), but I do recall that he was a great drummer, just as Lopez was. Although I don't listen to them as much as I used to, I think he will be the perfect replacement. Although I am sure there will be many to disagree with me, there will be quite a few that will agree. I am truely anticipating their new album, and I am sure that once again, I will not be disappointed.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;5751187 said:
It makes me happy that you're all fans of Lopez cause he deserves the credit and don't forget I brought him in the band as well. Peter didn't even want him to begin with and I said "Let's give this guy a chance" as I'd heard he had something. I fucking know the guy and have basically lived together with him for almost 10 years so don't come lamenting his leaving to me! What the fuck do you think I felt?

Now, that era, "Lopeth" or whatever is over. Axe is in the band now and we all fucking love playing with him. When somebody picks on his drumming I can't help but to feel that that person is a deaf moron who knows nothing about music or drumming. I get defensive not only because I brought him in the band, but mainly because he's a fucking fantastic drummer!

For me this band is my life. I don't make decisions on who's getting recruited while I'm taking a shit. Don't question my judgement for a band I've been running, writing for, living with and bleeding for during the last 16 years, OK?

Now, after saying that I certainly hope the next album will be good!!
Hell yeah, tell them! What a bunch of idiots.

Lopeth... I love it :D
Scrubs has ended?:erk:

Mikael Åkerfeldt;5750132 said:
Wow, looks like we got ourselves a new breed of idiot Opeth "fans" on our tail huh? Mindblowing guys...really!


Is it just me or do Mike sound a litle like dr. cox here? :lol:
Akerfeldt, Lindgren, Mendez and Wiberg wouldnt have chosen someone who they didnt think was up to par with Lopez, Respect the Axe, his drumming owns, so i really want to hear the new album, im pretty sure im going to listen to the album 30+ times in the first 2 days when it comes out... so yeah, im up for anything really, i want heavy, i want less heavy.... bring ittt!:kickass:
I must agree... Like I said who are we to critisize the band, we don't control them, we don't own them in anyway.
I think Mike knows better then you on which band members to take.

Check out what I found mike said on an old thread when lopez left the band:
Hi guys!

I understand you're quite upset with this news and so am I! I've been playing with Lopez for almost 10 years!
But you have to understand that we wouldn't bring in just any kind of drummer for this band. I have been playing with Anders, Lopez, Hoglan and now Axe. Come on, my references are pretty OK, right? Have you played with these guys? Is that why you have such a valid opinion on how they are? I know, all of them are different, all of them have strong sides and weak sides.

I would never take anything away from Lopez brilliance as a drummer, but you also have to know that I have been involved in the making of every drum beat on every record. The drums is the result of a collaboration between Lopez and me. I had ideas, he had ideas, and that's the way we worked. On top of everything I made complete (with drumbeats) demos at my house for every record.

Axe and myself are going to make you eat your bashing comments, just wait and see...

Cheers guys

The words still are true my dear friends!

:kickass: :worship:
Mikael Åkerfeldt;5750132 said:
Wow, looks like we got ourselves a new breed of idiot Opeth "fans" on our tail huh? Mindblowing guys...really!


I wonder how you can stand to read all the stupid crap that is posted on this board.

Anyway...We're looking forward to more great music from you and yours.