TWO? Only 2??? I don't agree with you. I'm not a blind fool and follower, but I think you must take the other 2 albums into account as well: Sahara and El norra alila...
Every OL album has a different flavor and every fan has a different taste.
And so every fan has a different preferences when it comes to the albums. For example you see most metalheads favoring Mabool for it's brilliant guitar solos and riffs, while you see me favoring El Norra Alila for the extreme Oriental influence (since I'm a big fan of Oriental music).
so you see different people come with different tastes and preferences.
Hehehe obviously you know that already, but oh well felt like posting...
anyways yes... all three albums are brilliant, and favoring one album above the rest doesn't change the fact that all are masterpieces.