New Alexi instructional dvd?

Ah as i talked to guys from Rock House Method they say that new Alexi Laiho DVD will be realeased on august, so at the end of the summer.. I still wonder why it takes so long to put all things together for Alexi DVD.. I think it was a lot faster with Paget's DVD :Smug:
Ah as i talked to guys from Rock House Method they say that new Alexi Laiho DVD will be realeased on august, so at the end of the summer.. I still wonder why it takes so long to put all things together for Alexi DVD.. I think it was a lot faster with Paget's DVD :Smug:
Cheers for the update, dude. Sucks that we have to wait until August though... It'd better be good.
After having not watched a video of Alexi playing in a long time, seeing those black fingernails again looks so weird :lol: But they look freshly coated here which is partly the reason. It's much more common to see his nail polish roughed up and barely hanging on.

This video was okay to me. I did like that he tried explaining a bit himself. In that last Rockhouse DVD, hearing that dude in the background constantly explain Alexi's style and licks was annoying, although for all I know that same narrator is in the new DVD lol.
This video was okay to me. I did like that he tried explaining a bit himself. In that last Rockhouse DVD, hearing that dude in the background constantly explain Alexi's style and licks was annoying, although for all I know that same narrator is in the new DVD lol.
I was impressed by neither his playing in that video nor the material he was playing, but I do agree that it's good to hear Alexi explaining things.
He works with Rock House alot, doesn't he...

But yeah the playing was good, definitely an improvement and will be cool to see the new DVD.
New video looked good. A lot better set this time. The last one was so blah and boring. And I don't think I've ever heard Alexi play the blooddrunk solo that good, besides the album version.

Really looking forward to the new dvd.

Is it just one dvd or is it a set like the last 2?
I dunno where to post ist, so I decided to post it in this thread.

Guitar World Disc Preview: October 2010
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Hopefully this new video seriese has good tabs with it. The first one didn't have proper notation and it pisses me off for putting it into guitar pro to practice it slowly.
Thanks for posting that Gurby.

Was wondering about that dvd?

For anyone who didn't read all the comments here is a little info about its release from Rockhouse.

Official this will be released on the same day as the new COB CD in february however, next month in Guitar Center only there will be a four DVD Alexi collectors edition.
A little more info

Here is what I asked:

15 hours ago So I am assuming that there will be 2 dvd's being released since there is a 4 dvd set going to be released at guitar center (2 old ones, 2 new ones)?

Can you go into a little more detail about the dvd/dvds?

Here is the answer:
@srob7001 There will be the first 2 but 10 never before released lessons, interviews, photos behind the scenes video etc.