New Alexi Signature ESP's for '09

The black looks alright. Not wonderful though. I dunno what it is about it that I'm not so keen on.

Personally I'd never buy an Alexi sig. IMHO, a guitarist should go out and find a guitar that suits them. I mean Bodom are probably my favorite band buy I'm playing a BC Rich. Why? Simply cause it suits my band. The 2 pickups give me so much more variety in tone for the solo's. Also playing live with an Alexi sig makes you look like you want to BE Alexi. Now, sure, we all want to be as good as him but, we probably arent. I know i'm no where near anyway.

I say just go out to a guitar shop play on some of the guitars and find something that really suits you. These kinda guitars are for Bodom, not for your band. Find your own guitar for your band. If you really wanna customise, then changing the pickups in your guitar etc. can also add alot. (Saying that; thats's stating the obvious. You guys probably know more about changing pickups etc. than I do :lol:)
Whoa big speech! :lol:
No I think a lot of people here agree with you on the suitable guitar part. And maybe the Alexi sigs just played best for them :)
About the wanna be Alexi thing. Didn't Alexi play a Jackson RR, a Randy Rhoads signature? :p
But I really agree on playing a guitar first before buying it.
The black looks alright. Not wonderful though. I dunno what it is about it that I'm not so keen on.

Personally I'd never buy an Alexi sig. IMHO, a guitarist should go out and find a guitar that suits them. I mean Bodom are probably my favorite band buy I'm playing a BC Rich. Why? Simply cause it suits my band. The 2 pickups give me so much more variety in tone for the solo's. Also playing live with an Alexi sig makes you look like you want to BE Alexi. Now, sure, we all want to be as good as him but, we probably arent. I know i'm no where near anyway.

I say just go out to a guitar shop play on some of the guitars and find something that really suits you. These kinda guitars are for Bodom, not for your band. Find your own guitar for your band. If you really wanna customise, then changing the pickups in your guitar etc. can also add alot. (Saying that; thats's stating the obvious. You guys probably know more about changing pickups etc. than I do :lol:)

Blahblabhla be yourself crap. If someone think an Alexi sig looks good, sounds good and feels good, I don't see a point NOT to buy one. Someone who has never heard of Alexi can just go in and buy it if they feel like it.

I have a Alexi'ish Jackson RR, kinda a direct replica of the old WildChild guitar. I LOVE the looks, the tone is great and it feels like liquid awesome.

I'm playing a BC Rich. Why? Simply cause it suits my band.

Your band suck.
Whoa big speech! :lol:
No I think a lot of people here agree with you on the suitable guitar part. And maybe the Alexi sigs just played best for them :)
About the wanna be Alexi thing. Didn't Alexi play a Jackson RR, a Randy Rhoads signature? :p
But I really agree on playing a guitar first before buying it.

Yeah I get you mon. Just I find it hard to belive an Alexi sig is suited that perfectly. I mean to me, sig guitars never feel right. Being a big COB fan, and a lover of the look of Aleix's guitars, I was tempted to get a sig but, I prefer my BC V.

Ensi said:
Blahblabhla be yourself crap. If someone think an Alexi sig looks good, sounds good and feels good, I don't see a point NOT to buy one. Someone who has never heard of Alexi can just go in and buy it if they feel like it.

I have a Alexi'ish Jackson RR, kinda a direct replica of the old WildChild guitar. I LOVE the looks, the tone is great and it feels like liquid awesome.

Thats probably the reason your sticking up for it though. You have an Alexi style guitar, therefore if you agreed with me, you'd be hypocritical. Yeah I can understand someone may like the look/sound of an Alexi sig; but thats probably why. Cause its a fuckin' Alexi sig. Not cause its the kinda tone thier band wants to crank out. Oh, unless that band wants to be a carbon copy of Bodom that is. Dont worry, I wont pick on you, simple minded one.

Ensi said:
Your band suck.

I dont know what the forum rules are exatly regarding this; so if I overstep the line in this short and simple reply, please feel free to edit it. I wont be annoyed, honestly.
Fuck you.
That nice n simple for you? Can your head take it in?

You wanna judge my band before you've heard us, your obviously a narrow minded idiot. Im fuckin' 16, and havent got the kinda cash to splash on a stupidly expensive guitar. BC Rich has a great sound, and look, at an affordable price. I got a V if you care, not one of those big axe fuckers.
I don't have any kind of V guitar, and I think it's stupid to not buy an alexi sig or RR just because alexi uses one. If you like it, get it, if not, don't. It's that simple. And you shouldn't criticize others just because they like to play one of these guitars.
I don't have any kind of V guitar, and I think it's stupid to not buy an alexi sig or RR just because alexi uses one. If you like it, get it, if not, don't. It's that simple. And you shouldn't criticize others just because they like to play one of these guitars.

Dont get me wrong. Im not criticizing people for using them. Fuck d00de, I nearly bought one myself. Its just there are alot of people out there who buy them just cause Alexi uses them. I still stand by my opinion that if you looked into more types of guitars you'd find something more suited to yourself. That is assuming; your in a band. If you only play guitar to jam along to Bodom etc., then a RR or Alexi sig would be cool but what i'm saying is like; when I was gonna buy my guitar I wanted something for when we're playing live. (I was using an SG; just not really that great for our stuff.) So I was looking around and loved the look of the Alexi sigs; nearly bought one. But I thought my above thoughts "Surely I can find somethin more suited to ME and my band if I look around". So I went to a MusicLive thing to meet Megadave n stuff, and I'd gone in the BC Rich tent. So I tried out some stuff in my price range, and the IT Speed V was just a beautiful sound and play. I fuckin' knew after playing several guitars that day; that that guitar was brilliant for me.

Heck, I've not had the guitar long but shit; I fuckin' love it. It sounds great; looks great (IMHO) and feels perfect.
The black looks alright. Not wonderful though. I dunno what it is about it that I'm not so keen on.

Personally I'd never buy an Alexi sig. IMHO, a guitarist should go out and find a guitar that suits them. I mean Bodom are probably my favorite band buy I'm playing a BC Rich. Why? Simply cause it suits my band. The 2 pickups give me so much more variety in tone for the solo's. Also playing live with an Alexi sig makes you look like you want to BE Alexi. Now, sure, we all want to be as good as him but, we probably arent. I know i'm no where near anyway.

I say just go out to a guitar shop play on some of the guitars and find something that really suits you. These kinda guitars are for Bodom, not for your band. Find your own guitar for your band. If you really wanna customise, then changing the pickups in your guitar etc. can also add alot. (Saying that; thats's stating the obvious. You guys probably know more about changing pickups etc. than I do :lol:)

1st thing I'll say: I agree that you must use the guitar that fits your playing and suits your needs, yes.

2nd thing I'll say: why the hell is it so hard to understand that some people may like simplicity and be happy with a damn pickup and no more knobs than a fucking volume one? I've had an Ibanez with 3 pickups and 8934583724 combinations and I got so fucking tired of it, also I hardly ever used the neck pickup and I NEVER used the middle pickup. Why? I play in a death/thrash metal band where I need damn sharp and aggressive guitars and not fat and bassy tones from a neck pickup. There's a bass to do that. For my rock n roll band I have a strat copy with 3 single coils, but it'd be fucking stupid to use that for the death/thrash band or to play Vader at home, as well as it'd be stupid to use the other one to play soft rock. And yes, my other guitar is a Jackson RR, OH I'M A FANBOI I SUCK ALEKSI'S DICK AND I HAVE A GUITAR ONLY FOR THE SHAPE LULZ LULZ!!!11!1!1!!

Yes I've been harash, yes maybe it was too much, but yes I'm fucking tired of the ''you have an RR because you like Alexi but I'm sure it doesn't fit your needs'' bullshit.

Whoa big speech! :lol:
No I think a lot of people here agree with you on the suitable guitar part. And maybe the Alexi sigs just played best for them :)
About the wanna be Alexi thing. Didn't Alexi play a Jackson RR, a Randy Rhoads signature? :p
But I really agree on playing a guitar first before buying it.

Thats probably the reason your sticking up for it though. You have an Alexi style guitar, therefore if you agreed with me, you'd be hypocritical. Yeah I can understand someone may like the look/sound of an Alexi sig; but thats probably why. Cause its a fuckin' Alexi sig. Not cause its the kinda tone thier band wants to crank out. Oh, unless that band wants to be a carbon copy of Bodom that is. Dont worry, I wont pick on you, simple minded one.

Oh the motherfucking irony.

Pull the shit out of your ear and put your face in a blender.

I dont know what the forum rules are exatly regarding this; so if I overstep the line in this short and simple reply, please feel free to edit it. I wont be annoyed, honestly.
Fuck you.
That nice n simple for you? Can your head take it in?


You wanna judge my band before you've heard us, your obviously a narrow minded idiot. Im fuckin' 16, and havent got the kinda cash to splash on a stupidly expensive guitar. BC Rich has a great sound, and look, at an affordable price. I got a V if you care, not one of those big axe fuckers.

I hate BC Rich, especially low end. They suck so bad.

Also, I'm 16 too, I have a fucking job. If you are low on cash get one too ffs.

my guitar was just about 1,000 USD, so it is not a "stupidly expensive guitar".

Nice, what kinda V is it?

My point being:

If people like the sound/feel/look of a signature guitar, they buy it. Some people do it for it simply being a signature, but that is usually rabid fanboys.

Ffs we have a MTM-2 Mick Thompson signature at work and it fucking kicks ass! Slipknot is NOT one of my favourite bands.

You fail.

Have some Picard:

I hate BC Rich, especially low end. They suck so bad.

Also, I'm 16 too, I have a fucking job. If you are low on cash get one too ffs.

my guitar was just about 1,000 USD, so it is not a "stupidly expensive guitar".

Nice, what kinda V is it?

I have other things to spend money on other than just guitars. I have a job. So its pointless you telling me to get one. As I said; I've got other things to spend cash on. My BC is 330 GBP. Thats good enough for me.

If you care, I dont like the sound of the really low end BC Rich's, a guy I know has one, and it sounds horrible.

My point being:

If people like the sound/feel/look of a signature guitar, they buy it. Some people do it for it simply being a signature, but that is usually rabid fanboys.

Ffs we have a MTM-2 Mick Thompson signature at work and it fucking kicks ass! Slipknot is NOT one of my favourite bands.

Man; your an idiot. I've said, some DO buy the sigs because they like the feel/tone/sound BUT, the majority of people I know with Sig guitars only buy them cause they are fanboys, and idiots. Maybe its just the people I've met, and I'm making unfair prejudice here but, thats how it goes.

You fail.

No, YOU fail. Get a life d00de. Srsly.
I have other things to spend money on other than just guitars. I have a job. So its pointless you telling me to get one. As I said; I've got other things to spend cash on. My BC is 330 GBP. Thats good enough for me.

If you care, I dont like the sound of the really low end BC Rich's, a guy I know has one, and it sounds horrible.

Man; your an idiot. I've said, some DO buy the sigs because they like the feel/tone/sound BUT, the majority of people I know with Sig guitars only buy them cause they are fanboys, and idiots. Maybe its just the people I've met, and I'm making unfair prejudice here but, thats how it goes.

No, YOU fail. Get a life d00de. Srsly.

Maybe It's just you...