New Amorphis album

Referring to the AMRPHIS’ recently post about promoting; I’m wondering there still isn’t official music video. There are only couple of weeks to the album publishing... Well, if I remember right, You I need came only a few days before TBOT.
Just waiting for the real music video. :)
"The Wanderer" will be released on April 12th in German-speaking countries via iTunes.

EDIT: The Russian iTunes Store now has the promised 1:30 samples available. Shorter ones (0:30) here
cool, thanks! :)

EDIT: :rock: @ DMD. Are we having another case of hiding the best stuff among the bonus material here? Not that I wouldn't buy the special edition anyway, shame is just that they never get to be played live.
EDIT: The Russian iTunes Store now has the promised 1:30 samples available. Shorter ones (0:30) ]

Thank you! Never wouuld have guessed to try Russian itunes.. :grin::grin::grin:

EDIT: Okay Nightbird's Song just touched my very soul O___O My god I'm loving these samples
Also first time hearing Dead Man's Dream which sounds amazing!
I think Circle sounded very promising after the Tangra radio interview month ago,
but now I know I will love the album. Wanderer, Narrow Path, Nightbird's Song, Dead Man's Dream, are just as I like my Amorphis. Energetic, harsh, heavy, melody and folky.

Only song I found lacking "the drive" was A New Day but since it is 6 minute long track it will surely have some nice moments and suprises.

For me first impression is important, if not crucial, and Circle seems to be pretty much perfect ten judging by those samples :)
Couldn't be happier :D