New Amorphis album

I have now listent to it for a few times, and it didn't convince me.
IMO the song is load full of things and stuff and little over-produced. I can't grab the song. Well, not the first Amorphis radio single song I don't like much.
Still, I like how the songs move ahead and the melody. I think it's a bit odd song for a radio, but if this is the most radio friendly song they have, the rest of the album really can be 'Music to Scare Housewives'.

Hopeless days promises something new and heavyer sounds, that's good. I prefer Shades of Gray.
Just heard it for the second time, this time on the local independent radio station Tangra - they have a listeners' request section and guess who asked for it last night ;)
Anyway... My initial impression is confirmed - definitely heavier. Love the piano entwined with the beat and the guitar. Almost no guitar delays, as a friend already noted, but somehow I don't miss them. They have become a bit too overdone and predictable. As I already said, if this is their most radio-friendly track, my hopes for some music that scares housewives are definitely high.
But the last 20 seconds DO sound like Nightwish in their most pompous years...

P.S.: Where, the hell, did you hear Shades of Grey, people?
Good song. Different from the stuff from the latest albums, indeed, but it's definitely a good thing. At least this single made better impression on me than You I Need once did (I started to like that one not until when the entire album was released). But to me Hopeless Days sounds promising and is a sign of evolving. It's different and still it can been recognized which band is in question.

Thank you.

Apparently, I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to use Youtube.


Went through it a few times. I like it, perhaps a bit more than You I Need, which I don't like much. Has some nice layers to it. This and Shades of Grey make it really promising, especially the latter.
So far, I'm hyped. I thought about pre-ordering the album (I can finally do that! - will open a thread about it), but it's a bit pricy and the band shop seems bugged to me for some reason, so I'll wait a few months and order it regularly.

Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to it.
To be honest, I don't like it. Not in a matter of disliking, rather indifference. It starts promising, then everything goes wrong. I feel that too many motifs made it lack Amorphis' ingenious simplicity which made House of Sleep or Silver Bride catchy (as we're talking about radio songs). Moreover, vocals sound weird, as if someone wanted to force clean-only song, where growls would fit certain moments perfectly instead (to make another comparison - Silent Waters was flawless as a clean vocals song). It's just my first impression after a couple of plays, but it doesn't seem to fade and if I heard this song labelled with an unknown artist, I guess I'd just let it go by. Let's hope the rest will surprise me positively.
Moreover, vocals sound weird, as if someone wanted to force clean-only song, where growls would fit certain moments perfectly instead (to make another comparison - Silent Waters was flawless as a clean vocals song)..

I agree with this one, actually.
Listening to it a bit more, it feels a bit forced out - as if they had a great idea behind it all, but chose not to do it on purpose for making it a radiosong.

It's still an okay song for me, but I have to agree with Mihau.
I'm reserving judgment on the mix of clean and growl until I hear what comes around it on the album. It may make more sense and fit better in the running order than it does as a single.
It's "Mehtä". Here's a few lines from the chorus:

The night coils around the day
Shadows turn the white* into the shades of gray
The sun bids the world farewell

* could also be 'light'

Right! Kiiti! :D

I'm at home on my Mac and all I'm seeing is the link as well.

Me too. Since a couple of days ago. - Both Win XP and Ubuntu whatever distribution...

I finally got the chance to hear it on proper speakers with subwoofer and all... Frankly, it sounds a bit more impressive on my shitty headphones. I still like it, most definitely way more than You I Need which was plain bland.
I tend to agree on the comment about the vocals, actually. A bit too clean and polished, but, then again, this is the radio song.
Goddamnit, the last 10 seconds are pure Nightwish!

BTW, any speculations who wrote the song? My guess is on Sande.
I'm glad I reserved my judgement until hearing the song live. The verdict is f*ck yeah!

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