New Amp or new cab?


Mar 30, 2005
Actually I have an Engl Savage 60 and a selfmade 2x12. My main problem is that I'm not too much happy with my recorded tones and I need something with more body (Engl is a very dry, mid-high cuts very well but compared with a 5150 lacks in body).
Initially I thought to build a new 4x12 cab but now I'm undecided...
Do you think it's better to buy a different amp or a new cab (4x12, bigger than my 2x12) for my purpose?
Definately a new Cab. It will make a dramatic difference to your sound.

I have an Engl Blackmore and was originally using a Marshall 1960A with it but last year i bought an Engl Pro V30 cab. Its a GREAT cab and really suits the Blackmore (which is basically a stripped down Savage so it should suit you well too)
Also the engl pro v30 is a really good sounding cab, never try one...........but I think it works great....
I'm thinking to build my own cab following Mesa specifics or Engl specifics...I'm undecided because I think Engl cab fits better Engl amps, but probably Mesa cab fits well every amp on the average
what about buying one?

not doubting your building-skills, but dimensions and how it's built (joints etc) affects the sound often more than the speakertype.
plus buying one isn't that much more expensive than building one (at least not if you're using high quality material for building one....and you should do that).

I'd say buy one
Well I dunno, as far as like making tongue-in-groove joints and stuff, that's definitely where buying one can help; that said, if you were to just build a solid cab out of a few sheets of high-quality plywood (which really is not that expensive), I don't think the tongue-in-groove thing would really affect the tone (at least not at anything under DEATH volumes), just the stability! (which wouldn't be an issue as long as you don't drop it off a truck or something :D)
If you build a Mesa replica you'll spend 500€ ca.... half the price of a real Mesa (new) and it's better than every marshall cab of the world. You can reinforce it internally like a tank, more solid than any over-over-over priced amp
If you build a Mesa replica you'll spend 500€ ca.... half the price of a real Mesa (new) and it's better than every marshall cab of the world. You can reinforce it internally like a tank, more solid than any over-over-over priced amp

"more solid" is not always better.
the speakers alone in the mesa are 400€ in total (and those wouldn't be even the same as the ones in the Mesa).

how do you wanna get the excact dimensions?
well, it's your choice in the end...
I still say it won't sound even similar than a mesa (doesn't mean it won't sound good).

I like the idea of building cabs, but I'd definitely go with one ref cab first...just to have the option.
I understand your point of view and I agree with you in some aspects.
But you (not you Lasse, in general) give too much faith in these brands. I mean, if you open a Mesa....yes it's well builded,etc... but it's a 4 pieces of wood, a baffle, a profile where you fix the baffle and another profile where you fix the rear panel.... 1100-1200€? Not at all, also if they use a very expensive wood (and it's very difficult that a brand that sell thousands of piece, uses very expensive could be, but if you think about the components quality of the last rectifiers, compared to the earlier 90's rectifiers......
I could be wrong...but it's my point of view. Of course if I could find a good deal for a Mesa OS I would buy it...but they are not very common :)
well, of course most of that stuff ist overpriced...
but keep in mind that tiny things like 5mm bigger/shorter... or different wood, even caulk make HUGE differences in the sound.

that doesn't mean your cab won't sound good, but it will not remotely sound similar to a Mesa, Marshall, Engl etc.
that can be a good thing, but you'll never know because you can't compare ;)
Caulk is sealant, like what you would have between tiles in a bathroom, but I've always heard of silicone being used for cabs (but I only know of one cab company, Basson, that seals their cabs in this way - it shouldn't be necessary with good tight screw joints!)
i built my mesa copy and it turned out very well, i spent some time with a buddy's mesa cab and took measurements and whatnot, but the only thing i was unsure of was the jointing, but i ended up using finger joints, but i only found difficulty in finding the exact same wood.

but i did get the v30s from mesa online store, which i dunno if its the same ones used in their cabs but i got the 8ohm v30 that they had, same price as everywhere else so why not.

i built a straight cab, but i eventually got a slant mesa os cab, for the most part they sounded they same in the room, slightly diff under the mic, but if you can really inspect someones mesa cab and can source the materials cheap, do it.