New ampsim: TSE X30

God bless you all, the creators of this wonderfull stuff!!

I cannot wait to stay at home and start a recording with this amp with one guitar and LePou Le456 for the other one.

Ey Frankzappa you mean that you recorded that song with this amp?

fuck me:kickass:

Offtopic: Ey Onqel have you (the modelers) thought in creating a SEXsim device? something kind of: Pamela AnderssonVSTsim (IRs provided by Tommy Lee of course...)...yes I´m crazy:zombie:
puppy dog tail: Im the only modeler on this project so far, and no, i have a girlfriend that wouldn`t be too happy about me spending my time on a sexsim;) haha
FUCK FUCK FUCK.Even with the no SSE2 Cubase is not able to recognize it:mad:.My cpu is AMD Sempron(tm) 3000+ 2 GHz,.Any suggestions besides of obvious.(burn it down buy a new one).Thanks
i guess you might have put both versions in the vst folder simultaneously, they have the same vst-id :o try removing the version you dont need...