New Animals As Leaders Album

Schecter - CHECK
Flannel shirt - CHECK
Straightened hair - CHECK

This guy doesn't need to worry about paying anyone, he's got it all figured out man.

sometimes i really wonder why it always gets personal at a certain point.. manner up
I will work my ass off on a record, and gladly give it out for free.

Fuck money. Promote art.

Music is free nowadays anyway.

Welcome to the 21st century.

scary that maybe one day you will be a parent and teach someone something. if art is free how are artists supposed to make a living at all? working at target on weekends?

maybe you are just against the concept of money alltogether? because that's just a totally separate issue. how old are you anyway?
scary that maybe one day you will be a parent and teach someone something. if art is free how are artists supposed to make a living at all? working at target on weekends?

maybe you are just against the concept of money alltogether? because that's just a totally separate issue. how old are you anyway?

don't you know... artists live off of their rich parents or the government. duh. :goggly:
it gets personal for some because it is.

the "art" of sound, for lack of a better term, is a career and a means to an end. so people take offense to it when you take bread off their table.

Still, you won't change the world or make anything better by insulting people. It will just make em more stubborn.
a lot of pretentious and self-righteous pricks on this know who you are

EVERYONE on here has downloaded an album illegally before. so lets chill with this little competition over who spends more money on albums. stop acting like your shit doesn't fucking stink...assholes...can we talk about music/audio again please? damn
^ that´s not the point. Ok almost everyone have downloaded some shit but other thing it´s arguing and give bullshit reasons to do it for free. That´s insulting.
a lot of pretentious and self-righteous pricks on this know who you are

EVERYONE on here has downloaded an album illegally before. so lets chill with this little competition over who spends more money on albums. stop acting like your shit doesn't fucking stink...assholes...can we talk about music/audio again please? damn

I'm sure most (or a lot) have done it, but not everyone. How can you make such a broad accusatory statement like that without knowing EVERYONE on this board?
Just poppin in to say that I dig the new AAL album much more than the first one, I think the songwriting has improved, although the first album still had some sick clean riffs, the songs are as a whole improvements.

(you may now return to the piracy discussion)
my point is that this thread is getting way too heated over something that we all have done at least once. its really not worth spending the time to write a damn ESSAY-like response about it. don't you have some real work to be doing? it just looks like name calling, let the children be children, don't lower yourself to that level.

the other thing I'd like to mention here is, and this should be quite obvious; don't you guys realize that when you buy an album, mere PENNIES of that purchase price ACTUALLY makes it to the bands pockets? 95% of the album price goes to the RECORD LABEL!!!! You THINK you're supporting the band, when in fact you're just supported the label that is raping the band and pimping them out.

what I think the future should be, and this is what trent reznor did awhile back, is release your mp3's for free. and sell limited edition albums with stickers and t-shirts and other bullshit like that. and of course the people like us who want the artwork and the higher audio quality will fork over the money (to the label).
my point is that this thread is getting way too heated over something that we all have done at least once. its really not worth spending the time to write a damn ESSAY-like response about it. don't you have some real work to be doing? it just looks like name calling, let the children be children, don't lower yourself to that level.

the other thing I'd like to mention here is, and this should be quite obvious; don't you guys realize that when you buy an album, mere PENNIES of that purchase price ACTUALLY makes it to the bands pockets? 95% of the album price goes to the RECORD LABEL!!!! You THINK you're supporting the band, when in fact you're just supported the label that is raping the band and pimping them out.

what I think the future should be, and this is what trent reznor did awhile back, is release your mp3's for free. and sell limited edition albums with stickers and t-shirts and other bullshit like that. and of course the people like us who want the artwork and the higher audio quality will fork over the money (to the label).

lol umad
Can we get back to Weightless now?

Seriously, it's some beautiful, intricate music. Whether you like them or not, this album will, for many people, be the new Focus (Cynic), Human (Death), Destroy Erase Improve (Meshuggah), etc. for a new generation.

Like it or not, you have to respect the talent and unique blend of influences.
Definitely a few people here talking out their asses. If there's one thing the music industry never loses in spite of economic downturn, it's the uneducated, inexperienced idiots who spout bullshit on its behalf.

1) Not all record labels are evil. I've worked with some money hungry, shady bastards of labels and also amazingly legit and all-about-the-music record labels.
2) Just because almost all of us have downloaded albums illegally in the past, doesn't justify it. We learn from our mistakes and try not to repeat them. It's this "everyone does it so it must be okay" mentality that ends up breeding Nazis.
3) Art is never free. Art doesn't spontaneously appear. Good art takes years of perfecting one's craft and many weeks or months putting together a single piece of art. To say an album is free is to say it has no value, and anyone who says this is either naive or just selfishly fucked in the head. If a band chooses to release an album for free, it's their art, their time, their investment, and what needs to be emphasized here is THEIR CHOICE - not one YOU make for them just because it's easy to steal without them knowing. Just because a bank hands out free pens DOES NOT mean that all pens are now free forever. If some band decides to throw a free show, it does not grant you front row seats to The Rolling Stones, get it?

This is an issue of good ole fashioned theft being justified by technology that makes it easy and virtually untraceable. It's kind of like we're in the Wild West of digital music right now - there's no real way to enforce law just yet, so it's a rootin tootin free for all, which for some people, makes it justified to be an asshole outlaw stealing whatever they please.

Here's an example for you: You wouldn't steal a 70" Sony TV from Best Buy, and your argument would be because it's a physical object and you can't replace it, whereas digital music has unlimited copies. But what if you had a replicator like on Star Trek and just made a copy of the TV at your own expense, that would be okay then, right? I suppose the millions of dollars in research, design, and development that Sony invested to make that TV doesn't mean shit, does it? The only way Sony can afford to sell a 70" TV for only $2000 is because they count on selling thousands of them. It really comes down to your ability to understand the true value of something beyond the chimpanzee ability to read a price tag.

If you seriously think music should be free, then how can you justify charging anyone to record their music? You're just a middle man, not even the actual artist. If art is free, then instruments, paint, brushes, venues and equipment should all be free, too, right?

Read this if you think downloading a band's album is justified just because you bought a couple of their shirts: