New CD's that you have gotten recently

Progpower haul

Artch - Another Return
Artch - For the Sake of Mankind
Helker - Somewhere in the Circle
Impelliterri - Venom
Judicator - At the Expense of Humanity
Magic Kingdom - Metallic Tragedy
Scanner - Mental Reservation
Scanner - Ball of the Damned
Warlock - Triumph and Agony (metalmind reissue)
Wulfhook - The Impaler

Dweezil Zappa - Via Zammata
Children of Bodom - Halo of Blood LP (Hot topic clearance item, buy one get one for $1)

Sampled some online and heard it was more of a return to form so took a chance.

Never thought in many years I would purchase another COB release.
Children of Bodom - Halo of Blood LP (Hot topic clearance item, buy one get one for $1)

Sampled some online and heard it was more of a return to form so took a chance.

Never thought in many years I would purchase another COB release.

Can you believe that band is on their 9th album now? I doubt I'll ever buy another release of theirs again unless they put their demos on CD.
Children of Bodom - Halo of Blood LP (Hot topic clearance item, buy one get one for $1)

Sampled some online and heard it was more of a return to form so took a chance.

Never thought in many years I would purchase another COB release.

You didn't take a chance. You saw it was $1 and now you're trying to make a buck or trade. I saw your post earlier this morning. At least be honest.