I know i wasn't around during this era and Jason will be razzing me for this, but this is Pantera to me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7vD5cc13E8
Yeah that was me. I already more than blew my budget on various bands and the distros (yours included)
It is my favorite Pantera album
Same here, so damn good. I want to get it and all their 80s albums on cd, but i dont want to pay $20+ for a boot
Well then download them from somewhere. But seriously don't be one of those boot jackasses, that is the only way you will probably EVER see these on CD. According to things the Pantera camp have said in the press and to people that have contacted them about putting them out officially, it will never happen.
simon - you purchase more CDs unemployed than when you ARE employed!
Maybe I need to go on unemployment!
I can thank my former company for the nice severance and bonus. Haha. This time of year I tend to go on a bit of a cd splurge. After progpower, I'll put it on a complete freeze.
I don't think even SABBAT fans want that many SABBAT Cds...