also...for you traditional / speed metal fans...the guys in Witchtrap are also in Nightmare...another great band.
This reminds me of something, but I can't quite place it. Maybe Walls of Jericho era Helloween? Is this out?
I am not knocking you, but seriously surprised you would support MORBID ANGEL's attempt to gain back the crowd they lost with this tour.
This is the type of thing you usually crucify bands for and damn them to eternal hell over!!! LOL
Besides, when will I ever get the chance to see Morbid Angel only play good songs?
Guess it's a matter of opinion that Morbid Angel HAS good songs.
this has been out for almost a decade actually.
Beelzefuzz - s/t
Get prime; it won't happen like that if you do.
I really didn't like the first Coven either.
What's that Barsoom album like? Haven't really heard of any bands based on Edgar Rice Burroughs before...
Grim Reaper - Rock You to Hell
Liege Lord - Burn to my Touch