new "clayman sound" demo (5150 + impulses)


Sep 1, 2007
Hello!, I've made a new mix using the preamp output of my 5150 with a new convination of impulses, and recorded with my ESP Horizon (seymour duncan pickups). What do you think about guitar sound and drum sound? is the mix well balanced?

This mix doesn's sound exactly like In Flames's Clayman, buy I think it's the same concept of mix: 5150 guitar sound (I think that it's close to the original clayman sound), bass with a lot of lows and a bit high drums above the rest of the mix, with a powerfull and low tuned snare sound.

Any opinion is wellcomed! i love that guitar sound. sounds like theres a little too much stuff goin on during the melodic part. maybe its the cymbals. something isnt right there. maybe too much high end? i dont know im a noob.

I prefer your schecter tone, that character in the palm mutes... I don't like SD pickups so...
The tone is brutal, just amazing, as always.

The problem with the cymbals is that the OH tracks are centered, so, spread them to make a wider stereo image ;)
thanks for comment! I've done a new mix using Freefilter to copy the eq of the original Clayman sounds and now I think it sounds very close to the original. And yes, the crash are very loud in the melodic part, but I could not have changed it yet, maybe must I use a less aggressive crash cymbal sample for use like this (and don't pan it in center of course)??

Here is the new link, it's the "clayman sound 2":
hey man sounds pretty good! i like the guitar tone a lot, care to share settings/impulses used?

id say the drums need the most work in this, you might want to try blending more snare samples in to give the snare more body that will punch through the mix better, and yeah you should pan the overheads 100% L and 100% R usually (unless youre somehow triggering individual samples and not using something like dfhs)
really close man! grats. Do you have the curve available, so i could try? If not which section in particular did you take it from?

Heyy, I use the fist riff from Bullet Ride (0:00 to 0:35 seg), I played it 2 or 3 times in Freefilter and then I aplyed this eq. to mi song. The Morph setting was at 85%.

And for the impulses, I mixed two guitars with "Inch off Edge-1" (from GuitarHacks) and the other two with Mesa "4x12 - SM57" (from DSS3 Impulses).

Thanks for the opinions!
Dude, what did you use for the drums?

For bass drum I use a samples called "faderhead_tama_starclassic_kick", and for snare a samples called "slysnare",both are in the forum FTP. The toms are the Chimaira samples and hit hats are from drumkit from hell. All samples are processed, specially snare drum, that have a lot of compression and and reverb. bass drum have only a cut in the high frequencies to decrease a little the click and increase a bit the lows (2 dB in 90Hz).
That's extremely close to the Clayman-sound indeed - good work there! Mind to share the 5150-settings?

Hey Hellraiser! Good job!
I especially like the snare sound. thats exactly what I am looking for..could you perhaps give some more information about the effects you used on the snare? (plugin chain,settings?)
Hey Hellraiser! Good job!
I especially like the snare sound. thats exactly what I am looking for..could you perhaps give some more information about the effects you used on the snare? (plugin chain,settings?)

the chain effects to snare was:

pre eq: little bost in 200 Hz (lows) and all above 3000 Hz (about 3 - 4 dB)

compression: attack between 30 - 50 ms, hard compression (threshold: about -30 dB and ratio between 2:1 - 4:1) long decrease (500 ms)

reverb: I used "waves Rverb" plugin. It's easy obtain a good sound with a bit of tweaking (for snare I used the "room" reverb type and medium size).

Post eq: basically decrease mids (-2/-4 dB about 1200 Hz) and little adjust in lows and highs.

The trick to this type of snare sound is compress a lot and give all the "body" to the sound with a good reverb.

I wish it could help you!