New computer monitor, wide or not wide: that is the question


New Metal Member
Apr 5, 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I am aware that this might not be a production question, but I am buying a new screen as I currently have a shitty small (17") widescreen and I'm sick of it. So, what do you guys think is better for DAWs, a widescreen or a regular (?) screen monitor?
Are there any "non-widescreen" TFTs at all?
I like widescreen displays, movies look great and there's a lot of space for several applications to run at the same time and side by side. It would be quite annoying if the windows were stacked :D
You need a big screen on the height of your head and not anywhere else, haha.
A widescreen, obviously. Allows you to see more of your DAW like any applications running in a window.
At the moment I have a 24" widescreen, a 23" widescreen and a 17" widescreen on my lappy...Definitely dig the widescreen and dual monitor setup. I also use my DAW computer for graphic design and I've been spoiled by my bigger screens lately.
samsung t240 24" widescreen 1080p

I love mine. I had a shitty old CRT for so long. had this for about half a year or so now and love it... beautiful monitor and nice and big. I use it as a TV also.

I'd love to have a second one right next to it. haha. but not really necessary...
yea man widescreen hands down!

I got a 24inwide off newegg for like $140 or $160, but now I wish I would have gotten 2 19in wides at $99 each!