New concept album worries


Destroy your TV
Mar 13, 2002
Rochester, NY
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Now, we saw Opeth's last album, BWP. We saw the direction they're headed in, not a bad one at all (beautiful and atmospheric). But with word of a concept album involving two seperate cd's, one for the "dark", one for the "light" (as there are fans who insist on liking one more than the other) it begins to worry me. See, one of Opeths greatest stengths was the seamless transition from one to the other, powerful guitar leads suddenly evolved (not changed) to flowing, natural acoustic passages. What happens when this is taken away, as is what sounds might happen for the next album? I havent heard anything new as of yet, so maybe im behind a little on the news of the album. But hey, you gotta have faith in a band that releases such compelling, complex music. Any thoughts or news I havent heard?
yes you are behind in news

the "heavy" album is said to be classic opeth, so no worries for that
i don't think opeth is really taking away their transitions from heavy to soft. akerfeldt has often said how much he loves progressive rock, and i remember reading how he just wants to explore that side of his musical tastes more.
In fact, Akerfeldt said that the heavier album will be pretty much alike the older ones... which means will integrate both heavy and acoustic parts.

As for the second album, based on the interviews I read, it will be sort of a experimental album and YES the difference will be drastic. Also, I read that Akerfeldt always wanted to do something like that and he qualifies the upcoming album as a "gift" they made for themself.

Personnaly, I'm waiting for this release more than anything else...Opeth never disappointed me and I doubt seriously that they ever will.
the problem is that ppl are refering to the two cd's as "heavy" and "mellow" which isn't at all true, like everyone else has said. So basically the two cd's will be a "normal" one and an "experimental" one
Hmmmmmm, my view is that is shouldn't really be
about whether it's mellow or heavy, but how it grips your soul. Even still, doubt if the change will be that dramatic. Sometimes an artist or a group has to explore themselves to see what they are capable of and also to see the initial reaction of the audience. Traditionally Opeth treats to those who big into the Prog/black metal scene. Concept albums would allow them to approach areas they haven't been able to go to before and will also allow them to reach a larger audience.
Besides some of the mellow songs Opeth has done are quite beautifully written, it's what I go to sleep to at night, and as for the heave stuff, it's what I get myself in the mood for anything with!
Look at it this way, at least Opeth isn't going the way of Metallica.
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
yes you are behind in news

the "heavy" album is said to be classic opeth, so no worries for that

yeah, somehow with me the words ''classic'' and ''My Arms Your Hearse'' go hand in hand, i mean they're all classics, but MAYH is just classic opeth in my opinion. i cant wait.
Originally posted by Alucard
Yeah, don't worry so much. This is Opeth, have a little faith! I for one am looking forward to the "mellow" disc the most.

Exactly. It's Opeth. When have they ever disappointed?

I think people are worried because the band has been SO incredible so far that alot of people think they might be "due" to come out with a bad album. VERY few bands release five straight masterpieces (I honestly can't think of another band that has. Maybe Iron Maiden - "Number of the Beast" through "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son"). It's just an incredible musical achievement.

But, I put Opeth on a higher level because all five albums have contained some of the best music ever created. Thus far, the band seems to be able to do no wrong, and so I'm anticipating this release in the biggest way imaginable.
I think "normal" and "experimental" would be better labels for the albums. I think the original intention was to have one be really super heavy and one really laid back, but it changed.
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
yes you are behind in news

the "heavy" album is said to be classic opeth, so no worries for that

I disagree, the clean one i look foward, "classic opeth" for a band pointed out of becoming a little formula metal lately, scares the shit out of me.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
I disagree, the clean one i look foward, "classic opeth" for a band pointed out of becoming a little formula metal lately, scares the shit out of me.
Oh dont worry, i agree with that. It is the mellow one i am looking forward to and im really not that excited about the heavy one..... i just meant "no worries" for the person who posted this thread since he wanted the classic opeth still.

Im hoping the experimental stuff rubs off on the heavy album as well, now that would be cool.

I think what they have done so far is perfectly acceptable, but its time to move on and change things around with structure, like 2 more albums with the same type of structures would lower my opinion of them, so i guess we'll just see how it al turns out.
Thats plain stupid. They SHOULD change as much as they fucking want to and effectively "risk the current fanbase" in order to get rid of close minded l337 idiots like yourself that cannot tolerate any change at all. If you want something that stays the same or doesnt changes "that much" go buy some maiden cds or something and let Opeth become the potencially groundbreaking bad it has the potencial to.