If only they kept it as a double album..

"I can just imagine trying to tackle the daunting task of trying to absorb something that expansive."

Sounds like a job for...ME! :grin:
deliverance pissed me off, and the lead up to it, with Opeths announcements that they're going heavier and it'll be their heaviest. who gives a fuck about heavyness? oh thats right they can score more of those Korn fans.
damnation is pretty cool though.

i admit though, releasing both together would have been cool. could have saved a few bucks.
I too believe they should have been released as a double album because thats the way the band wrote it. I think mikael wanted a stark contrast when you open and first listen to d1 and d2, going back and forth, between hell and heaven. I think it ruins the whole point when everyone has already heard deliverance a million times by the time they get their hands on damnation.

When damnation is released im going to put them both in a double jewel case and revel in its brilliance.
"who gives a fuck about heavyness? oh thats right they can score more of those Korn fans."

You sir, are an idiot. Do you really think Korn fans keep up to date on the happenings of the extreme metal scene? You dolt, they watch mtv and have never heard of bands that are actually really heavy and most of them would be horrified if they ever did.