New converter unit! please help me


New Metal Member
Mar 31, 2010
Hi guys,
I need a good converter unit.
Now I have a mixer Midas Venice 16 tracks, a Focusrite Isa 430 and a Api 512C so I don't need integrated preamps in the unit.
I'm thinking about Motu 192 HD, with 12 in and 12 out.. or Motu 24I/O..
Any differences between them?
Any other ideas?
My budget is max 2.000 euro. I work with Windows 7.

Thanks for your help guys!
I suggest looking something a bit more high end like apogee/rme
I'm not sure what those products go for overseas but with the conversion rate to us, you could easily snag a quality conversion unit for your budget
what do you think about SSL Alpha link?
Can be a solution too?
I don't look to rme fireface because I don't need preamps...