New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

’d say people will be surprised when it comes out. I think it should be exciting to listen to. I haven’t heard it yet, but I’m always excited when he’s doing something.

I think this is self explanatory.
Maybe Jesper’s reggae album will come out before Cyhra 2. I hope he’s working on something at this point. Been almost a year since they recorded Cyhra 2 and he’s not touring.
Yes. He said he was still working on his solo album. And he's posted tunes un the past years that re not in the cyhra album.
Just listened to a Cyhra interview from the Sweden Rock festival (dated 9 August) and they said that the new album is coming out "in the fall" - they still don't have a release date and admitted they've been saying this for a while, but there will definitely be a release date in the near future. Said they wrote 25 songs for the new album, and there will be 12 or 13 songs on the record. Jake said that he's the main writer of lyrics for the second album as he was for the first. More personal lyrics about Jake this time around, less about Jesper.

They seem to have really good chemistry with the guy who's filling in for Jesper so it wouldn't surprise me if that becomes permanent. They played a song from their new album called "Dreams Gone Wrong" at the festival apparently. The interview wasn't very clear on this but I think it was part of an acoustic set so I assume not how it will sound on the album.

The band seem extremely confident about the new album, Jake saying it's the best thing he's ever done. He says it's the "same vein of songwriting" as the first album, but that the songs transition easier and there are more uptempo, "live-orientated" songs on the record. Jake says some of the songs from the first album don't work well live, but the second album is focused more on how the tracks will come across in a live environment.

Euge says that whilst the last album was more chord-based, the new album is more riff-based. They will be touring for the new album when it's released. No word on if Jesper will be with them or not but indications would suggest not.

So it sounds like the new album is likely to be out around October/November time. Hopefully we'll get a couple of singles in the near future - maybe even next month.
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I'm more interested in Jesper's contribution to the band. Witbout his "magic" there's not much left for me. I mean, Jake is a great singer and I know you're a fan of him, but my favourite songs are those where you can hear Jesper's work.
Great info! Thanks for posting that!

As for Jesper, the first album was decent but it’s not like it was riff city. It was well composed but not super hard hitting. Except for the one In Flames rip off song, I can’t even tell it’s Jesper most of the time. Euge is a beast so it’s very possible he might be bringing more \m/ than Jesper. But I’m sure they inspired each other this time and really fed off that. So for Cyhra 3, will Euge go hard as fuck without Jesper? Or will he do something different and start to diverge from the path we metalheads are interested in.

Anyway, sounds like the stars aligned for Cyhra 2, I’m pumped. Let’s enjoy it and not worry too much about later on.
I'm more interested in Jesper's contribution to the band. Witbout his "magic" there's not much left for me. I mean, Jake is a great singer and I know you're a fan of him, but my favourite songs are those where you can hear Jesper's work.

Honestly, to me there were large parts of the first album that didn't sound like Jesper was involved at all. I mean, if somebody gave me Letters To Myself without telling me that Jesper was in the band, I'm not sure I'd have said "this is Jesper's work". Karma is the only song that really sounds like his past IF or DZ stuff. If anything I get the feeling Cyhra 2 is going to sound more like old school Jesper than Cyhra 1.
As I said, letters to myself, even heartrage if you take off Jake, could be part of an IF album. The rest of the songs have some Jesper's moments. Though I expected more of him. To my opinion there are two kind of songs on the album. Some of them, the best ones for me, are guitar based. The rest of them are vocal oriented, meaning that they look as if they first csme with the vicals and then needed to create some music as a background.

Even the last so g is very Jesper, if you rip off the vocals.
I don't really hear it to be honest. I can't think of any IF or DZ song that sounds like Heartrage, by last song I guess you mean Dead To Me? Maybe the acoustic parts but overall there's a lot less Jesper influence on Letters to Myself as an album than I expected, especially after hearing Karma - which is actually nothing like the rest of the songs on the album. By the sounds of it the new album will feature more songs like Karma and less songs like Black Wings, Heartrage, Muted Life, etc. I get the feeling when Cyhra 2 drops that Karma would sound more at home on the new album than the first one.

For the record I really really like LtM, but it's not because I hear a lot of Jesper on it. It's just because I like the music and Jesper is obviously still a good composer even when he's doing something very different.
Can you give me an example of IF or DZ song that sounds like Heartrage? As I said I don't hear that as an IF sounding song at all, with or without vocals. Intro is quote gothic sounding, verses are mainly just chugging which could be any metal band, pre-chorus sounds nothing like anything I've ever heard from IF, chorus is just more basic riffs which could be from any metal band. There's about 3 seconds between 02:15 - 02:18 which sound like IF, also 02:42 - 02:52 briefly some IF sounding riffs, but that's about it.
I tbink that the intro and verses sound a lot like something Jesper could do to an IF album. As for what's IF. What has Like you Better Dead to do with IF? Or even My Sweet Shadow?

IF doesn't have, now, a defined sound or riffage. So yes, heartrage sounds, to me, like simething that coukd be in a modern IF album. The base is definitely harder than the vocals.
The only LtM song that I feel could go into Jesper-era IF is Karma, but even then I have no idea what album it would go on. Colony or Clayman I guess, but it still wouldn't sound right even with Anders' vocals on it instead of Jake.

I don't think you can reproduce the magic Jesper had during that time period, whether he was writing with Johan, Bjorn, Glenn, Nordstrom, or whoever else. It produced something totally unique. LtM is great but it's far away from anything IF were doing from 1994-2008. New album might be closer to that sound but still won't be IF, and that's fine. Jesper was in the band for another 8 years after Clayman and generally speaking the entire IF sound rapidly declined during that period, and the band went from being (imo) the best metal band on the planet to being a good-to-average metal band with some catchy choruses and emo lyrics.

Everyone wanted to hear 1996-2000 riffs and songs from Jesper again but it isn't going to happen. I don't think he even wants to write that kind of music. Letters to Myself was mostly mid-tempo, chord-based riffs and chugs interspersed with ballads. That was Jesper with more or less total free reign to do whatever he wanted. If he was going to produce golden era music again he would have done it with LtM, but he either couldn't or just didn't want to.

I'm looking forward to hearing what Jesper/Euge partnership sounds like. I think Euge influence will pull the new album away from the mid-tempo stuff and into higher tempo territory, which is what most of us wanted to hear in the first place. Might even be why Jesper has suddenly lost interest in Cyhra - maybe Jake/Euge are taking it in a direction he isn't comfortable with?
Letters to Myself intro is definitely IF.

And the chugging verse of Heartrage but not like IF trademarked that.
Jake said that he's the main writer of lyrics for the second album as he was for the first. More personal lyrics about Jake this time around, less about Jesper.
Interesting. So Cyhra 1 was written by Jake but about Jesper?

Jesper and Peter: Jake, welcome to Cyhra! We know are you going to do a great job.

Jake: Happy to be here. I see you got the name and the artwork picked out. What’s our lyrical theme? Cyborgs and futurist dystopias maybe? Alien race violence?

Peter: No, we already have something else.

Jesper: It’s about me.

Jake: ...

Jesper: Yeah. You know, about my life. *proceeds to spend 5 hours giving a lecture about his life story*

Jake: *goes home and writes the Dead To Me monologue*
But I will come out stronger...
And in the long run, a winner
Over my greatest fucking enemies!
You’re all dead to me!

Jake is literally Jesper’s guard dog. Everyone knows not to talk shit about Jesper ever again.
You probably aren't too far from the truth :D Jake said that he had "interviews" with Jesper and then wrote the lyrics from there.

Jesper: I wrote a song called "You Can't Shine a Turd", wanna hear the lyrics?

Jake: Sure...

Jesper: Anders thinks he's the king, and he also thinks he can sing, but that's fucking absurd, as I told him many times, you can't shine a turd.

Jake: Um... yeah, how about I write the lyrics and you stick to riffs?

Jesper: Fine...
LOL, had no idea that’s what the arrangement was. That’s crazy.

I hope it works out for the other members. They are so good about remaining professional. Never complaining, never talking shit, no drama. Playing Jesper’s music, singing about Jesper’s life, can’t play the new stuff for almost a year. I’m surprised nobody has cracked yet.
To be honest they all seemed really chilled and happy in the interview. There were very few mentions of Jesper which makes me think he won't be around much longer. Marcus Sunesson (filling in for Jesper) seemed pretty comfortable and was often referring to the band as "we" and discussing future plans so it wouldn't surprise me if he ultimately becomes a permanent member and Jesper leaves.