New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

I think this song was put as Track 1 for a reason. They probably even wrote it this way on purpose if it wasn’t already a demo track from Cyhra 1. It serves as a bridge from the old to the new. I’m sure the REAL new shit is going to blow our mind.
Yeah, this is basically the definition of playing it safe. It isn't going to alienate anybody who liked Letters to Myself, but has enough new vocal/guitarwork to potentially hook in others who haven't listened to Cyhra before. It isn't going to convert anyone who disliked LtM, but then at this stage in the band's life you wouldn't expect that anyway.

Out of my Life is a 7/10 for me. Acceptable but I'm hoping for better.
The solo part suffers from the same issue that some of the Cyhra 1 solos and even recent In Flames solos suffered from. Starts cool and makes you feel that some Guitar Hero shit is about to happen.... and then they stop it short and it goes back to the chorus. Letters To Myself, the song, has the exact same problem.

Agree, I was waiting for the shredding to start and then the melodies just ended and we were back at chorus. Quite disappointing. Karma has a much better, proper solo at roughly the same point in the song.
5/10. The chorus is pretty generic and it's a chorus oriented song. The guitars aren't also anything special.
5/10. The chorus is pretty generic and it's a chorus oriented song. The guitars aren't also anything special.
Did you rate Cyhra 1 that low?

I might need to re-calibrate my rating system. In my mind 7/10 is average. But objectively, 5/10 might be more correct.
Hell. Now that's a disappointment.

Video - meaningless thrash, just like new IF stuff. Not gonna comment on the beginning.

Production - better than the last time, but guitars could be higher in the mix.

Now song is not bad, but it is very safe and shallow. Nothing new, nothing exciting. Out of the whole thing I enjoy chorus (that could be a good pre-chorus in some better song) and some small melodic sections. Electronic stuff is still annoying. Drummer was a star on the previous album, now it's just regular safe pounding. Oh, and I agree on soloing. Three parts with no connection, and nice mid section, but they didn't bother with doing it properly, like those additional 10-20 seconds would somehow ruin the commercial appeal of the song.

This is like a more generic power metal version of LTM songs. Not impressed.
This is like a more generic power metal version of LTM songs. Not impressed.

Judging by the song titles this might be how the whole album is. I mean, I obviously hope not, but if I didn't know any better and looked at that tracklist I'd assume it came off a power metal album.
Power metal is fine. Power metal is great. This song is not power metal. If the rest of the album is actually power metal we should be fine.

Edit: Ok just listened to it again and technically it’s a little heavier than I remembered and maybe it could be considered power metal. But it just doesn’t have the power, speed, energy or hard hitting sound to really be power metal to me. Barely meets the threshold.
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My god, that's awful. Video reminds me of this weird IF attempt with The End, the song is terrible. Lyrics are either written by a 10 year old or Anders being 46. And 13 second verse before coming back to the chorus does not really work. It's like Jesper never really left In Flames and was really inspired by their latest efforts, making the same mistakes they did.

I really thought I might give this album a chance, now I know I won't.
Power Metal to me:

Rhapsody of Fire
Blind Guardian
Dream Evil
Iced Earth
Twilight Force
It's like Jesper never really left In Flames and was really inspired by their latest efforts, making the same mistakes they did.
I had the same thought. I was thinking this must be a Jesper song because it sounds so similar to Letters To Myself.

I really thought I might give this album a chance, now I know I won't.
Damn, that is harsh. Really harsh. You’ve got to give the whole thing a chance. This song could be a one off.
Power metal is fine. Power metal is great. This song is not power metal. If the rest of the album is actually power metal we should be fine.

Edit: Ok just listened to it again and technically it’s a little heavier than I remembered and maybe it could be considered power metal. But it just doesn’t have the power, speed, energy or hard hitting sound to really be power metal to me. Barely meets the threshold.

Nah, Out Of My Life ain't PM. It's just standard melodic metal like Karma was. It's more the other song titles that remind me of a PM album.
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, that new single was fucking awful. Video was worse, wtf is that intro?
Track names on upcoming album is way worse than Anders recent ones also.
For me the music is like a much worse version of In Flames latest album, it's way to poppy sounding, it feels like Amaranthe without any sort of aggressive vocals. At least In Flames I can still enjoy a bunch of songs from I, The Mask, especially if I'm using it as background music.

The only positive thing is that at least you can hear a bit of Jespers guitar melodies, but nothing really special to me...I will definitely not even check out the album when it comes. Bring on Dimension Zero instead, get to fucking work on that stuff please. He said he would do that stuff long time ago, seems like that's not going to come for another few years if he's gonna tour a bunch next year.

Not that I 100% agree but I found this YouTube comment on the video kinda funny:

Didn't Jesper rant on In Flames' musical/stylistic evolution over the past few years/ever since his departure? Well, I guess Cyhra's the reason he didn't continue with that, because this band is even more mediocre than In Flames could EVER be.
There will be some good material on the album. Euge played a bunch of interesting riffs, melodies and solos on youtube already.

But I fucking hate how every band goes the same direction. If anything the first Cyhra album lacked some steel and well... balls. Instead, it seems they went the "commercial" way. I'm not sure it will pay off.

If I wanted songs with zero riffs, one happy melody and 10 poppy choruses... Well, pretty much every second band on the planet is trying to do that exact thing.
Well, thjs song has zero creative value. Considering the quality of the musicians behind it is a total dissapointment.

And yes, I also think that the intro is fucking terrible. First time I lustened to it my thoughts were "wtf? This is awfully wrong".

What I don't understand is how these bands, in flames included, do not realize that the people do not fucking care about the electronic bits. I have never read or hear someone praising them.
Back from the dead, for the obvious reasons of course.

Just listened the song. Not a single part that interests me. When I heard the intro I was excited but that didn't last so long. Also I have one question about music video: why? So freaking cringey.

But I fucking hate how every band goes the same direction. If anything the first Cyhra album lacked some steel and well... balls. Instead, it seems they went the "commercial" way. I'm not sure it will pay off.

Bu- but... Jesper said he hated the direction that IF went.. It was too commercial, it wasn't his baby anymore he said.. Oh the irony. He flamed In flames (specially Anders) for so much and now he does the same thing, of course way worst version of it. I hope Jesper leaves this "sinking ship" ( ;) ;) ) soon and starts working on Dimension Zero.