New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

Some of these are delusional.

Jasper has reborn and uses his exceptional tanent to write outstanding music! You can find a bunch of great and famous guitarist nowadays who can play everything but they have no clue or idea how to compose and create exceptional and catchy music. Jasper is „an exceptional talent” and I am so fuckin glad he s back.

Totally disagree, I love stuff like that but there are are no end of bands out there doing it. CyHra however are pretty unique, there isn't anyone else really doing what they do. Their sound is catchy & melodic metal & in my humble opinion they are very good at it.

New Cyhra!!!!!! I was worried they wouldn't be able to deliver another album like the debut, that can happen when guitarists from other projects start a new one, they use up all their good ideas and often fail to deliver on the following release but this single has me hyped! Jesper delivering his iconic riffs and leads.

Meanwhile, Cyhra correcting folks.

Indeed! But on this one it's mainly Euge ;-)

Thanks! But that's actually Euge's ;-)

So guys, I think we’ve established two things.

1. No matter what people think Jesper’s playing is not really that unique.
2. It’s now been proven that Jesper can be replaced from the band and nobody would ever be able to tell. Euge was able to totally emulate the Letters to Myself sound so closely that it sounds like a B-side from that album.
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If nobody said anything about the new album, I wouldn’t have been disappointed by this song. I wouldn’t like it, but I wouldn’t have expected anything else. The song is not surprising at all to me after Letters to Myself. It is surprising after reading Euge’s interviews and hearing his clips.

It's like you said earlier, the song is like a demo from the first album. "This is what we want to sound like". If it had been on the first album it would have fit, but been one of the less interesting songs on the album.

I wouldn't go as far as to call Out Of My Life "awful" or even "bad", it's just painfully average. They could have written this in their sleep. I prefer Michael Jackson's version tbh.
Some of these are delusional.

Meanwhile, Cyhra correcting folks.

So guys, I think we’ve established two things.

1. No matter what people think Jesper’s playing is not really that unique.
2. It’s now been proven that Jesper can be replaced from the band and nobody would ever be able to tell. Euge was able to totally emulate the Letters to Myself sound so closely that it sounds like a B-side from that album.

Makes me wonder how much Jesper has actually written for this album. We already know he's been away from the band for a long time, so how much time did he put into the song writing process?
Well, this song doesn't even have that Jesper tm sound. Solo is obviously Euge, riffing and melodies are fairly basic. There are hundreds of thousands of guitarists ab le to do that.

And like it or not, Jesper has a unique sound. Like that Annihilator song... Straight away you know who is it. The Resistance - whole song of random hc-dm riffing and then a sudden 15 seconds of pure early IF nostalgia hits you.

For one reason or another he (with the rest of nflaymez crew) runs away from that sound and it is just idiotic. Like Iron Maiden doing away with dual guitar harmonies or Opeth without odd time signatures and acoustic passages.
What's sad is that I don't think I've ever heard a band who even comes close to replicating the older IF sound. There are bands that have bits and pieces of it but nobody who has the full package.
Makes me wonder how much Jesper has actually written for this album. We already know he's been away from the band for a long time, so how much time did he put into the song writing process?
You just need to read the intervuews. Jesoer started the wrutting with Jake abd then they added Euge. People is just thinking too much.

Come on. The few riffs thst can be heard on this song are clearly Jesper's work.

As for Jesper's sound... There are like two songs on the orevious album thatvhave thst Jesper's sound. Theb some bits here abd there.

You've got to realize that this is a band oriented to vocals, so guitars are written in a way that they help the vocals. That was clear after listening to ltm.

We won't see guitar oriebted songs coming from this band..
What's sad is that I don't think I've ever heard a band who even comes close to replicating the older IF sound. There are bands that have bits and pieces of it but nobody who has the full package.

Yeah brother, thats just the thing. You have good DT clones, good ATG clones, good Insomnium clones, there was a whole scene of cringy CoB wannabes at one point.

There are none that came close to replicating classic IF sound. That melodic feeling and sweet harmonies in the right place at the right time.
I've heard Nordström can be a bit of a nazi sometimes, but I'm still glad he convinced In Flames to keep the harmonies on Colony and Clayman. And this is coming from someone who loves RTR.

New Cyhra song was disappointing. As if they really wanted to play the safe card. But such are first to be released songs often, so I wouldn't get that worried yet.
Yeah brother, thats just the thing. You have good DT clones, good ATG clones, good Insomnium clones, there was a whole scene of cringy CoB wannabes at one point.

There are none that came close to replicating classic IF sound. That melodic feeling and sweet harmonies in the right place at the right time.

Just shows how unique the Jesper/Bjorn partnership was during that period. Plenty have tried to copy, but none have succeeded. Conversely IF have tried to copy various styles since then and not succeeded either, so... maybe they should have just stuck to what they did well.
I've heard Nordström can be a bit of a nazi sometimes, but I'm still glad he convinced In Flames to keep the harmonies on Colony and Clayman. And this is coming from someone who loves RTR.

New Cyhra song was disappointing. As if they really wanted to play the safe card. But such are first to be released songs often, so I wouldn't get that worried yet.

Without Nordstrom I don't think we would have had a Colony or Clayman, and I doubt TJR or Whoracle would have been anywhere near as good without his guidance. He's owed a huge thanks for the part he played in "the big four". It's no coincidence that as soon as they moved on from Nordstrom their sound and overall quality dipped pretty significantly. Still some good stuff at various points but nowhere near the same level as between 96-00.
EWO - Okay-ish but nothing spectacular.

Just shows how unique the Jesper/Bjorn partnership was during that period. Plenty have tried to copy, but none have succeeded. Conversely IF have tried to copy various styles since then and not succeeded either, so... maybe they should have just stuck to what they did well.

Funny thing... When you look at the past two decades... The only album that actually did something significant for them was CC - and they could have easily done that one straight from Clayman-like material, without other 7 albums ranging from terrible to decent.

You know them from In Flames, Amaranthe, Shining, Rhapsody, Annihilator & Kamelot but you have never seen them together like this. Cyhra is here to bring you the next thing in metal.

Boosted by the success of their 2017 debut, Letters To Myself, Swedish bashers Cyhra are using that momentum and pushing forward with a new album, No Halos In Hell, and Nuclear Blast fully behind them. Founded by vocalist Jake E (ex-Amaranthe) and guitarist Jesper Strömblad (ex-In Flames), Cyhra has gone from being reminiscent of the duo’s former bands to having an identity all its own. In fact, No Halos In Hell is one of those rare albums that defies being placed neatly in a boxed-up metal genre coming out heavy and dynamic, yet loaded with melodic vocal hooks that stay nailed to the brain for days while keeping the impact hard and heavy. Fusing these two elements in the best way possible was Cyhra’s main focus this time out.

“When I was writing, I sat down and thought about what worked and what didn’t work on the first album. What I was focusing on the most for No Halos In Hell was making the songs more live oriented, and I think that live ‘friendliness’ of the songs also brings the catchiness up to another level. I was constantly thinking about hook lines that should stick in your head.” says Jake E.

As strong as Letters To Myself was as a debut, No Halos In Hell is head and shoulders above it in every way.

The addition of guitarist Euge Valovirta (ex-Shining) as a full member has raised the creative process to a level where, according to Jake E, “Everyone is playing to the point of what is best for the song.” There is no showboating, no push-pull of the individual members trying to claim their moments in the spotlight. Cyhra is a unit and everyone involved is striving to get the most out of the songwriting. This included Jake E, as the principal songwriter, being open to ideas from his bandmates and working with American songwriter / keyboardist Mark Mangold (Michael Bolton, Cher) on the ballad “Lost In Time”.

No Halos In Hell also showcases Jake E’s growth as a lyric writer, digging deep and going so far as to address his brother’s suicide on “Battle From Within”. He calls it a personal album but the lyrics are open to interpretation for the listener.

“I was trying to write the lyrics in a way that they mean something to me, clearly,” says Jake E, “but I want the listener to hear the lyrics and know what those feelings are that I’m talking about.”

For those that want to try and label Cyhra with a genre stamp, one listen through No Halos In Hell will instantly solidify the stance that Jake E and his bandmates think and play outside the box. This is reflected in the multi-faceted spread of tracks from lead-off track “Out Of My Life”, the thundering “Kings Tonight”, the soaring folk – flavoured “Blood Brothers”, the tender “Lost In Time”, and the schizophrenic “Hit Me”. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

As for the unique title of the album, it was Jesper Strömblad that came up with No Halos In Hell. In fact, it was proposed as the title for the first album before it was completed but Cyhra chose to wait for album #2. Trusting their instincts paid off in a big way.

“The great thing is that the title can be interpreted in many different ways,” says Jake E. “I look at it as ‘You’ve been good your whole life; you can’t be here partying with us (laughs).”
You read it and it's all about Jake. Then see the video and it's all about Jake. Frankly speaking, the album isn't still out and I'm yet tired of Jake.
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Yeah, for any of us who want metal (which is what they keep advertising, by the way), this is not a good sign. Because Jake E is the least metal person in the band.

DE4Life is right. Jesper found his second Anders. But at least Anders growled.
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Same issue with DS that I have with most IF copycat bands. Poor production and the vocals sound average at best.