New Decapitated Drum Tracking/Gear Video

Wtf?? this dude can play his ass of!!!!

but i never heard of an drummer changing the snare head after every song thats sick??

he is playing so loud probably the don´t need to replace the snare i think it sounds sweet!
Wtf?? this dude can play his ass of!!!!

but i never heard of an drummer changing the snare head after every song thats sick??

I think those are 1-ply heads, and there was footage of how badly busted one was, so it's worth changing.

I keep trying to talk my brother into using 1-ply for recording, but he always gets those remo pinstripe heads, i'm not a fan.

kinda cool how detailed this is, but are they gonna replace these drums? that would suck.

We are recording fully live drums - no triggers or plastic sounding stuff whatsoever, which, especially for Kerimh, renders the session more demanding than he had expected; but because of this, in my opinion, the sound will be original and will help us to avoid the so-called 'machine gun effect.' We are going to record eight songs altogether and the album will be about forty minutes long. It looks like this time, our recording style is pretty 'old-school'- with live drums and no recording of double guitar tracks, which means one guitar per side.