New DH record smokes!

Tommy Gun

...might be drunk.
May 31, 2008
Darkest Hour single - Savor The Kill-Click the player embedded in the article.
I have heard the whole record twice now, once on Ryan's shitty old bedroom stereo he's had since middle school, and once on my gear. This record is going to change the way everyone feels about Darkest Hour for better or worse. Personally, I think they've found the proverbial "it" for them as a band. The record is far more progressive and melodic than anything they've ever done. I really think this will make them a lot of newer fans. I also think it will shun many of their old hardcore/meathead fans, but I don't really care about those floor-punchers anyway.

Before anyone brings it up... No, Peter Wichers did not mix the album. All the editing, mixing, reamping, and even some re-tracking was done at Salad Days in Baltimore, MD. Unfortunately, Wichers lost quite a few original tracks and his mix attempt was, shall we say, less than professional.

Anyway, the guitars are 5150 III. I can get the exact guitar chain from Mike when they get home in a couple weeks, if anyone wants it. I think they sound killer.
Sorry, I lost interest in them after Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation.

The few albums after that just went a different direction.... Couldn't get into them.
Looking forward to it. I really enjoyed the progressive style of Undoing Ruin but Deliver Us was disappointing. I haven't listened to much of the last record but the single gives us very good potential for this new one. Guitar tone sounds great, thanks for the info!

What was Peter Wichers involvment? Producing? That is shocking that he lost files and turned out a bad mix.
Granted, they've made questionable musical decisions. Kris's writing took some of the band's music in a direction that alienated some folks. However, Kris is gone now. actually, the last record "The Eternal Return" was (I thought) a bit of a return to their more aggressive early material, but better and more seasoned. The new record, however, will have to be heard with an open mind. It's very different and light years beyond anything they've ever done. I may be a little biased because they are my bros, but I've never told them something was good when I though it sucked either. I'm honest with Ryan every time I hear a new record in advance.

Did you only like Sadist Nation Wolfe, or were you a fan of the previous material at all?
I never heard their last record, but I thought Deliver Us was not bad. I liked how they had some cool tech-y riffing and some interesting compositions rather than the usual boring chugging away you hear in the genre, so I feel they are one of the best of the genre.
If this record is indeed more proggy than anything they've done, I'll most likely pick it up
What was Peter Wichers involvment? Producing? That is shocking that he lost files and turned out a bad mix.

He "Produced". Don't get me wrong... the band hasn't talked shit or anything. They just told me how everything went down. I don't want to give the impression that DH was bad-mouthing him or something. From what I gather, it seems as though Peter managed his time poorly on this one. He thought he could get it done quicker than he could. But he had to hit the road with Soilwork long before the album could have been edited and mixed properly.
No thats not what I thought at all. I bet it can be hard to conform to deadlines when you have a band like soilwork to play in. The songwriting/composition sound strong still.
im a huge DH fan. The Mark of the Judas is my favorite. I heard one of the new songs at the VIP thing at the ottobar, and it sounded awesome. I havent really enjoyed anything since Undoing Ruin. Im hoping this new one is going to be awesome, ive heard nothing but good things from the band about it. Ive seen them a million times, and its the same show everytime. And i mean that in a good way. Never once did any of them look out of it. Balls out every time. And what do you mean by the hardcore/meathead fans? Is it not as fast/thrashy/raw?
There are fast/thrashy sections still, but I wouldn't call any of it very "raw". It's a very polished and progressive effort for them, with off-time/odd-meter sections, a whole lot of melodic material, and some very new territory being explored on John Henry's part. If you liked the melodic material on Undoing Ruin, you'll find things you like on this record too. But let me be clear... ALL the elements of their hardcore/punk past are GONE. The new album has them on a different track entirely. They are a progressive/melodic metal band now. And considering Ryan feels like this is the record he's wanted to make his whole life, I think things are going to stay that way.