New Distressor plugin

I really like it so far. More attitude/in your face than equivalent settings on something like the CLA76 bluey, definitely feels like a Distressor. Not 100% sold on the saturation knob vs picking a mode and letting the comp do its own thing but it really does sound great.
Reading on Gearslutz, I don't think they've announced a price for it but it looks like it'll retail for $300-$350.

Damn that's a bit pricey.

Anyone else demoing this? How do you guys like it?
uh ... no. Not even for free.
While I would DEFINITELY use this plugin if it was free, $350 is way too steep. Hell I only paid $99 for the fabfilter pro C2 on the Christmas sale.
I love me some distressor but this is twice as expensive as most compressor plugins. I can live without it for a bit.
While I would DEFINITELY use this plugin if it was free, $350 is way too steep. Hell I only paid $99 for the fabfilter pro C2 on the Christmas sale.
I love me some distressor but this is twice as expensive as most compressor plugins. I can live without it for a bit.

I didn't even look at the price tag. I'll stick with Sknote's version for $30...
While I would DEFINITELY use this plugin if it was free, $350 is way too steep. Hell I only paid $99 for the fabfilter pro C2 on the Christmas sale.
I love me some distressor but this is twice as expensive as most compressor plugins. I can live without it for a bit.

Yeah, I'm not finding it as exciting as I did at first. The saturation control and attack mod are pretty cool but I find myself reaching for C2, CLA76, or the Softube FET after dicking around with Arouser for a bit.
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Yup. Looks less flexible though. I really liked the Attack modification setting on the Arousor.

Also pretty pissed (though not surprised) about the Slate All buttons in being a separate module.
The new Blue FET compressors sound fantastic through.

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Well. Slate has come out with enough new plugins that it MIGHT be worth just getting the all bundle. I'll wait til the distressor comes out and demo it first. If the slate distressor does well I'll skip the arouser.

Anyone doing the slate subscription bundle? God I fucking hate software subscriptions. $200 per year from avid, $274 from Slate, who the fuck knows who else will decide to squeeze us continually.
Why can't they upgrade the FG plugin with that option instead?
From Steven Slate:
Everyone always asks me “So why can’t I do the All Buttons In trick on your FG-116s?”. As many of you already know, the All Buttons trick on the classic FET compressors puts the compressor into a whacky state of extreme over compression that can sound super insane on things like drum room mics. I’ve always enjoyed the sound, but felt that it could be sooo much more useful with a few key mods. And so that’s what we’ve done with the Monster Extreme Dynamic Processor.

The Monster can sound like the classic All Buttons, but for those of you who wished you could tame a bit of the top end (which can make cymbals pretty harsh depending on the track), we added a High Frequency side chain into the detector, so you can make the over-the-top effect super slick and smooth in the top end! It really sounds great! Then I thought, wouldn’t it be cool if we could get the insane compression tone but have a bit more transient definition? So we added a button called PUNCH which does just that! Next, we added a Hi Pass side chain filter which will make the kick drum in your room mics sound so massive you’ll have to duck and cover! And finally, we have a parallel mix knob so you can easily blend this explosive tone with the dry signal to make it much more versatile and useful! The MONSTER will be available quite soon, and we expect it to go to beta in about two weeks.

Oh… and it’s going to be FREE. For everybody. Who loves me???
I already know that but my point was that they could had included that in the fg plugin instead of a new one.
Because they probably had a good reason to make it it's own separate module. Besides, Steven said you're gonna get it for free. So quit bitchin'.
But you should, asking such a stupid question.
That's the pot calling the kettle black.