ha ha, want to hear it - should be really sweeet

as i remember Phil said that he don't want to play any music anymore? am i right?
Vocals r good but music is dull imo.
Drums r v raw,bit demo'y sounding i think (mind u they have always been a bit like that). Guitars r a bit dissapointingly unheavy, where is the sludgy Crowbar tone?
Not an awful album but nothing special imo.
Brilliant album!!!

Beel listening to it a lot as well as the new Divine Heresy album!

My god...Tim Yeung and Dino...:OMG:
down II was one of the best albums in the last 10 years IMO.

it was one of the first albums post 2000 that really kicked off the great rock and metal music that has been coming out the second half of this decade.

ps - am i the only person it feels like that still buys cds??? what a sucker am i...
ps - am i the only person it feels like that still buys cds??? what a sucker am i...

Nope your not the lone ranger, i buy everything i like no bullshit, but if a can get a sneak peak of a bad ass album im going to do it.
theres soem russian website i download certain "eh" albums from i still pay but its like half the price of itunes so its still legit. the mp3s are very good quality and all the stuff is directly ripped from cds or however it is done on itunes.

cds i actually like i buy from store, theres just something about actually owning the cd for me especially stuff that is a great mix or great music. i must have like thousands of real cds and another thousands of download (legal) stuff

before i was a psycho audiophile when napster first hit and stuff i would download mp3s but thats before i understood anytthing so stuff that skipped or scratched or was bad quality i didnt mind or understand. but then i came to my senses and i cant stand "usual mp3" type stuff it just doesnt appeal top me i like to enjoy the music.
Nola is actually one of my favorite albums, but I've not liked anything they've done since. I've chilled with Pepper a couple times, and love the way he plays, but it just got too dirty muddy drunk guy in a trailer for me after that one. Phil seems to sound horrid nowadays. Just my opinion.