New Dragonforce song

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
A song from the new Dragonforce album is posted on their Myspace:

New album is called "Ultra Beatdown," new song is called "This Sounds Like Everything We've Done Before."

As good of players as they are, I sometimes do wish they'd slow it down a bit and write some more enjoyable songs. I think their choruses are catchy enough...I think they have it in them...oh well, this is more of the same (sound hasn't changed much since their debut at all).
At first I thought the song title was serious, and I thought "well at least they realize it and have a sense of humor about it. Good for them! :)" Then I went to the Myspace and was disappointed.

The new song is called "Heroes of our Time." The chorus is catchy, but I agree, it does sound like everything else they've done before. DragonForce, we get it. You're fast. You don't have to prove it anymore.

*awaits the predictable complaints about people who are tired of DF posting on DF-related threads.*
That's their Ambition and Some Love it and Some Hate it! In General with my Experience that singer has a Listenable Voice! They should do a Mature Album with a Co-Songwriter and A Director That They Slow Down the Speed! HONESTLY... I REALLY GOT NERVOUS AFTER HEARING IT!!!!
Great song by the now undisputed leaders of the genre. You gotta be crazy to find anything wrong with this song, if you're a fan of power metal anyway.

To each their own I guess. I'll take hyperspeed 100 hooks per song power metal over generic mid-tempo one hook per song power metal any day.

The Michael
As good of players as they are, I sometimes do wish they'd slow it down a bit and write some more enjoyable songs

How come no one ever tells a band to speed it up, only slow it down?:(

I for one think Evergrey could stand to hit the accelerator once in awhile, rather than always hitting the brakes just as a song starts to get exciting.
i wont join the dragonforce hate crew but, nothing new and or exciting IMO.
I'd rather not hear a completely mid-paced Dragonforce album either...but if it's not a ballad, they're always playing at 450 bpm, and I'd like to hear a good power metal song at half that tempo.
As good of players as they are, I sometimes do wish they'd slow it down a bit and write some more enjoyable songs

How come no one ever tells a band to speed it up, only slow it down?:(

I for one think Evergrey could stand to hit the accelerator once in awhile, rather than always hitting the brakes just as a song starts to get exciting.

We tell Metallica to speed it up all the time :lol:
This Speedy "Super Mario/Sonic the Hedgehog" gaming sound is their it's to be expected. And, rightfully so...they do it well...they caught on to something different & they're forcefeeding it. I like what they l's different.