New Exodus - A Masterpiece?!

Shit I didn't think it was coming out this soon...or is it only out in Europe?
I'm still waiting for the new Flotsam and Jetsam album.It's fucking taking forever.
The guy mixing it up and joined Heads band "guy from Korn" They are also on Heads record label so Flotsams album has been
on hold and there ain't much they can do about it.It's bullshit if you ask me.
My opinion on the new EXODUS is mixed. Good songwriting with some twists from the 80ies. Class Dismissed, Downfall, Good Riddance, Burn Hollywood Burn are great songs. Nanking sounds a little like like SLAYERS spill the blood...

But i don't like Rob Dukes voice, i like Zetro's voice better. I think Rob gives 100% for EXODUS but to me his voice is to monotonous and too much barking and screaming...
oh man this album is fucking badass! The production is pounding, drums are romping, and the guitars are just thrashermania. Just a very nice slab of thrash with some diversity thrown in with some acoustic work,different song tempo's, and a violent Rob Dukes. I give it an 8/10.
I like this album a lot,But to me Dukes sounds a little too much like Zetro on this one.Although I have always been a fan of Exodus I was never a huge fan of the vocals.When I first heard some of the stuff with Dukes a few years ago I was happy because I felt like I could really get back into them.I like the songs where Dukes sings deeper much better.The production overall is nice but it sounds like it's lacking something.I have the Gathering and Formation,Endgame and the new Exodus all on one disc and when I play any of the Testament or even Endgame there is certain powerful punch that comes through that this album just doesn't have.Seeing as how they are all Andy Sneap I'm assuming they wanted it that way.I don't know what it is exactly..if it's the bass levels or the drums or what but it doesn't have the same deep punch to me.I love how the songs are really long though and the solos are great and also long and I love the mix of acoustic.The album has a nice flow from beginning to end.Overall I'm happy as hell with the album.It has nice depth.