New fan of Novembers Doom


New Metal Member
Nov 12, 2007
Hey.....just wanted to say I just got turned onto this band this week. Epic, dark, heavy music. I started with Of sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers. It was the only ND that was offered on Looks like I'll be purchasing the rest from Itunes. Which one would you recommend next???
Hey there, welcome to our forum and everthing! I'm glad that you enjoyed what you heard on "Of Sculptured Ivy...", which is our second album and came out in 1999. It's hard to say what you should pick up on next, as the band has evolved and changed a bit since that cd came out. My advice to you would be to visit our website and check out some of the free tunes we have under the 'media' section. There are at least two songs from each cd on there to listen to. There are also video clips available there as well as on

My personal choice as your "next listen" would probably be to pick up The Pale Haunt Departure cd, as I feel that has the best mix of all our sounds and is a good representation of us.

p.s. This is Larry, lead guitarist, just so you know for future reference ;)
Thanks Larry and fellow metalheads for your guidance down the dark path....I can see that there is no return now! Great website too. It's only a matter of days, possibly hours until November's Doom entire collection will be punishining my headphones!
Holy shit! The Pale Haunt Departure rules. Autumn Reflection is fucking brilliant. I can't stop listening to this album. Thanks.
Autumn Reflection is fucking brilliant.

Hello and welcome.. :)
Autumm Reflection is the one song that makes me cry,I've heard it 3 times live,twice it made me burst into to tears,the 3rd time last sunday in Holland it made me laugh cause at the "moment supreme" something happend...I think Larry can explain this better then me lol...
Holy shit! The Pale Haunt Departure rules. Autumn Reflection is fucking brilliant. I can't stop listening to this album. Thanks.

Heh heh heh... One more down, only several billion left to go. But ND is making progress! Glad you're liking what you're hearing.

And as an aside (since this topic comes up so much), just as ND is music to your ears, you saying you're one of the people doing it the right way (from Emusic and Itunes) is surely music to theirs! :kickass:

<3 <3 <3 The Knowing.

i'd heard a little bit of ND before going on the impromptu trip to last year's chicago powerfest. though i didn't have much knowledge of their music i really loved the show and have since heard almost all of the cds and absolutely love the different directions that each one takes
On the subway around Boston you're not supposed to speak, even if you haven't seen your travelling companion in 15 years. In that sense, TPHD is one of the worst train albums ever. Yesterday, I got my own private train platform because I was growling along with "Swallowed by the Moon" while clutching air grapefruits for emphasis. The night before, there was this cluster of three people who couldn't sit together on the same bench and as such talked extra loud over/through seats. They were irritated at my incessant air drumming never mind when I whipped out my fictious axe and made like Larry Jr.
I'm also starting to become a fan of this band. I got Pale Haunt Departure some time ago, but haven't been able to really appreciate it until recently. Fucking powerful album.
I still need to get Pale Haunt, all I have of ND is The Novella Resevoir and I absolutely love it. Need to get off my lazy ass and get some more of their discography, will have to get everything online because their is no real music stores around here. All best buy has is Slipknot/Atreyu type shit. :puke:
Just FYI....there are quite a few Best Buy stores throughout the U.S. who carry Novembers Doom cds. Even if your local Best Buy doesn't have it in stock, they might be able to order it and get it in there for you. Other chain stores that carry our cds are FYE and Borders, for example. I've seen all three of our The End Records releases at Borders stores in the past.
Just FYI....there are quite a few Best Buy stores throughout the U.S. who carry Novembers Doom cds. Even if your local Best Buy doesn't have it in stock, they might be able to order it and get it in there for you. Other chain stores that carry our cds are FYE and Borders, for example. I've seen all three of our The End Records releases at Borders stores in the past.

Yeah Best Buy is the only place around here that have alot of cds. But I didn't see you guys last time I looked (while ago though), guess I'll have to check again this weekend. Merry Christmas to me.
Forgot to mention I heard that the older material was alot more doomy as well, which is awesome. Can't wait to hear it.