
Jan 4, 2007
So i have been working on some new ideas here in Mauritius, and i figured i might as well get them down and share em with you to show you that i havent been ENTIRELY lazy on my vacation haha!

Im amazed that i was able to get this clip done without melting the laptop i recorded this on.
I had to use my mom's old laptop since its the fastest thing in the house (thank god its got 1gig of ram or this wouldnt even have worked...) I brought the firepod and podxt with me and i used my LTD F-200 (w/x2n in the bridge!) that i am lending my bro.

You can check it out on the soundclick at: or
And you can get it on myspace at
its called "serious business"

Now the thing was i had to start a mix from scratch since my normal postprocess everything forever mix would never run in a million years so im using almost nothing on this plugins and eqwise. Guitars are podxt, but are completely raw, no post eq or anything on the guitar tracks, just volume levels mixed to match the drums and bass. The bass i had to do by pitchshifting a clean guitar track an octave down as i used to have to do back in the day because i dont have a bass here. And for drums im basically using drumkit from hell superior with as few plugins as i could get away with.

The worst part is that the more i playback the tracks, the weaker the cpu seems to get, so every handful of takes, i have to let the computer chill cuz it just freezes basically, and this is the only reason the clip isnt longer, i couldnt playback more than 20 seconds back in realtime before it would start to glitch out and i couldnt record any especially long takes either, so laaaame....
well at least its something haha!

anyways thats enough ranting, enjoy!!
Hehe, that's well done for having such equipment :) Can be quite a challenge when it's like that, and can be quite fun haha. Haha I also record a clean guitar and then pitch it down and use it for bass, since I neither have one. I use the single coil pickup selection when doing this.. gives more "attack"... whatever's left of it after pitching. Riffs sound really cool, nice ideas!
Your stuff is fucking l337.

Do you use a DFHS snare or other samples?

What do you do to your snare. :Smug: If you dont want to answer that's okay.:oops:

I wish I could get my DFHS drums to sound half as good as that. :mad:

Ahh well.
Well... as usual something totally convincing. The drums... ohhh... those drums... (mmmm... drums!?). Can't understand why theres no album whit your music. It's some of the best i've heard in here... it is the best!!