New, highly original Gothenburg Sound(TM) band!

Originally posted by FatherVic
tatoo's???? that's for kids man....I wanted some body modification....what about a leg coming out right from my chest huh???? that would be cool ;P
in that way everybody of us cool kick 3 asses at the same time!

you should grow and be more serious. don't forget that you will need at least 1 leg for standing while kicking asses. besides, this is very unfair. if everyone of us has 2 kicking legs and only one ass, we'll have extra legs of no use within our crowd. or, some asses will get kicked twice. we all should have at least 1 extra-ass coming from... er... no clue ( we should make a poll: the best position of an extra-ass ), so finally we get balance of asses and kicking legs on stage. we'll demosntrate the best show all over the world.
let's start - my leg kicks your ass, FatherVic :loco:
Well, Skald gave us good anatomy reasons, FatherVic is quite crazy, and a second hand thief. I'll touch your... er... I'll kick your ass too in Gotheburg.

@ Phyros: Start making two separated rooms for me and Master Melon, and as he said, start preparing "ron" with glasses.

@ terria: We don't like boring ppl around us when playing, if you can give us fun and relax... perhaps we contract ya. (Rent some girls, hahahaha).
where are you guys? I´ve been waiting for ya, but you never show up! I even filled me house with beer and women, but I´m all alone with ém!.... !

im still working on the beat for the 2nd track
"Jaktens December Heaven", its turning out good, im trying to get 22 beats at the same time, im using ever damn finger and toe....FUCK maybe if i put a drumstick in my mouth and bang my ear on one too....

@terria - damnit, you had better be wearing a bunny outfit and serving cocktails while we play too!

@phyros - were still waiting for fathervic to get the fucking plane, save some beer for me!

@fathervic - get your shit together and lets go!
fucking bad news guys....They guys on the airport didn't like the stealing_plan and dropped me right away from hangars, and the keys are hold by two apes and one nun, so I won't take the risk...
anyway we can go upthere to Sweden with this....
*FatherVic shows the guys the trolley stollen from the mall
...even I don't have the licence to drive it....someone????

@Skald: you're totally right, so what about gay parties??? is the had two asses they'll just need to grow an extra....ok, time to leave the thread!!! I hope you get famouse and tour here one day :)
FatherVic, don't say humbugs! I'll give my skates, and I'll travel through Europe turning upside down every cross I see (to demonstrate I'm the heaviest one) until I arrive to Sweden. I'm tired to your fuckin' skills as a thief, man!
well errrrr, yeap I know....I'm the worst thief...but damn!!! the last guy tha stole a plane didn't got a brilliant end (or at least not the end we want, there are no hight towers on sweden and we don't want to die, do we????)
that's why I decided to travel by trolley which is the blackiest way to travel!!!! (always with leather and spikes everywhere!!!:goggly: )
Er... I'll travel with my face painted all the time and... er... reading a black Bible in verse, and... my boots' weight aren't less than 15 kg. each one! And I'll say "cult" and "hail" every time I can! I'll arrive to Sweden being the blackest one.

Btw: If your boots' weight is heavier than mine... call me before I start my travel!
wow "At the Flames of Tranquillity in the Dark of a Misty Children of Amarth Upon An Oaten Thorn of the Hails and Cries in the Edge Of Darkness And Eternal Nocturnal Blasphemies of the Memorial and Finnsanity of the Welkin at Morningrise" is gonna be the mest fucking band ever created will You Sign My TITS PLEASE!!!:lol: :grin:
im still waiting for vic to pick me up in the trolley, whats our line up now anyway?

Vocals - ?
R. Guitars - ?
L. Guitars - ?
Bongos - ?
Drums - ?
Extra Percussion - ME!
Trumpet - Ingenious
DJ - terria
Band Master - Skald
Travel Agent - FatherVic
Manager of Room and Board - Phyros

We are holding audtions in Gothenburg at Phyros' house! Come on come all!
damn! I had some little accident, crashed into a some sort of winged trolley and had to change the front wheels....
now coming from California with Final_Vision.....
I think now I must go to Russia to get Skald and start for the first rehearshals.....I also play the maraca and the instrument that is used a lot in Otyg (don't know how it is called, is some kind of comb or whatever)
...CaptainTrolley on the way!!!!!!!...
Originally posted by FatherVic
damn! I had some little accident, crashed into a some sort of winged trolley and had to change the front wheels....
now coming from California with Final_Vision.....
I think now I must go to Russia to get Skald and start for the first rehearshals.....I also play the maraca and the instrument that is used a lot in Otyg (don't know how it is called, is some kind of comb or whatever)
...CaptainTrolley on the way!!!!!!!...

Naaaa....California will never be as cooool (whatever you will can be meant) as Go(dots)teborg, it's the best place in the north (even better than Copenhagen.....oh yes I admit), girls are cute (to me: guys are, too), food is lovely, above all pizza (La Gondola???):D, Haga has the best seesight in the world;), the cold is original wet windy freezing northern cold, dala's horses come from Dala, not from China or Philippines, Pripps is Bla(dot), Liseberg's luna park is crowded, life is fine....
take another plane and meet Phyros who kindly offered you paradise on earth:D
All it's ok for ya all, Skald and Final_Vision will come with FatherVic, The Three Magic Kings have started their travel to give presents to the spanish children, but... I'M ALONE IN GOTH... GOTE... WELL, IN SWEDEN! I thought the weather is hot here, but is as cold as the heart of the evil characters of Disney. And I'm dressed with a T-shirt without sleeves and shorts. And nobody here speaks catalan! They are opressing me and don't respect my catalan.

Anyway, come here, I'm playing trumpet in the street and ppl seems to be generous. Oh, some swedish girls put their eyes on me and smile... jum, jum... perhaps Phyros won't need to recruit groupies....
Btw: Atlantis, you can make chorus, you said that you're singer, aren't ya?

Originally posted by phyre


@lantis: we're heading now from Russia, directly to Gothemburg.
I hope one day to arrive (really), and rehearsh a little....the show must go on!

@|ngenius: I'll bring you some wooly coat, just resist and try to ask those girlies to keep you hot!