New, highly original Gothenburg Sound(TM) band!

Hey, I just found |ngenius, the chicks, Final_Vision, the Rabbit, Melancholia, the Marzipan and gathered them into the trolley, we're heading the pub....

and oh! phyros thanx a lot for the clues, I was in the wrong Gothemburg, I noticed because the chicks weren't that pretty and guess what, they all talked to me *eeeww*
But now heading to the pub following the goddamned Cuban dancers....

damnit vic you were asleep at the wheel forever, wonderin when you were gonna wake up so we could get a move on. We got pre-production to do damnit!
ok I'm there, I think Skald has to show us some great riffs but while we wait, |ngenius can teach us the trumpet melody lines!!!
now we're gathered in gothemburg (the real one) and we're going to rock anyone's socks! :lol:
Originally posted by FatherVic
ok I'm there, I think Skald has to show us some great riffs but while we wait, |ngenius can teach us the trumpet melody lines!!!
now we're gathered in gothemburg (the real one) and we're going to rock anyone's socks! :lol:

Well, I could show you some riffs :muahaha: :muahaha:
check out my band's mp3:
login "neocrima"
passwd: "w3li$t3n"
and tell me what you think :).

hmm.... I think I should invite that angry robot to play trumpet in my band, cause my solos suck :)
Ehh, I'm tired. I think it's better to make sex with the girls of the chorus than wait for our beloved and probably drunked Phyros. This fuckin' band won't go on...
@skald: I've heard it....nice pieces...
Guitar parts are the best ones...and you're right the guy can't sing and the gal does quite nice.
is that drumming programmed????
I liked the songs but are still a little bit "undone" to me as demos they are :)
I didn't like the sort of distortion on some guitars but the structures of the songs and the riffs are great
keep on that good work
thank you for your response, FV.
yes, drums and keyboards are programmed, I had to do it all myself. This demo was recorded on my PC, so you couldn't expect much from sound quality
@skald: well considering is done directly on a PC is really decent work :)

@phyros and F_V well as far as I remember I was on the doormat outside pyros' house. If you turned the music lower you'd hear me!!!!! Open now, or you'll have the biggest human icecube on a doormat!
Hmmm..? What´s this? A melon shaped ice-cube on my doormat? Hmm better bring it inside and give it to the girls... They´d probably like it and think of it as a present...
mmmmnnhhhh what I see through the ice are some big boobs???
I they get closer the ice will melt quit quickly :loco:
let there be me :P
I think ill just hang out at the punch table :confused: with the rabbit and skald, ya know, mingling! As FatherVic is wildly raped by busty swedish women. Sorry bud cant help you, but dont forget. We gotta play at Tusken Closed Air Festivus coming up. We got work to do and the rabbit has quite got that "studly" look going on yet.
well keep practicing with the rabbit, it seem that inner warmth is melting the ice (don't know why ;) ) and soon I'll have something to deal with some young ladies....I'll try to arrange something for you, but I guess they won't like the rabbit idea though
never know, maybe they go for the whole bucked toothed furry white tail deal. I mean fuck, hes our front man he has to bang groupies once in a while!

(on a side note its fun to rack up posts when a friend is online to reply to your messages :lol: )