New In Flames album


New Metal Member
Jan 19, 2006
This new In Flames album coming out is gonna blow us all away... The last two really were not that great, I heard some songs from their new album.. They are back on it!!! I am new to these forums by the way, just discovered Skyfire.. Downloaded like 10 of their songs off the internet, I love the songs Dawn Will Break and Dimensions Unseen.. Best two songs so far :P
Ugh. Everyone seems to be enjoying this new In Flames, but I couldn't get through a song, and I tried with a few of them. But then again I don't like much of their old stuff anymore either. It just bores the hell out of me.
Gums said:
Yeah, unfortunately imo this is their worst album ever :erk:

damn... thats a stretch. I think Reroute is godawful and this new one is defintely a step in the right direction. Thats my opinion though, and you are Canadian...

I actually really enjoyed the new album when I listened the leak back in September or whenever it was.... I'll be picking it up the day it comes out.
Yeah you're right, Reroute was pretty bad. Believe me, I thought CC was the shit for the first few listens. As I kept listening the songs seemed to mold together like a grilled cheese old, dirty grilled cheese sandwich. Maybe I overplayed it though? There's only a few songs left that I like.
And Reroute at least has like.. 4 songs I like. :yuk:

But on an awesome note.. In Flames are doing a signing before their show here in Toronto! That's gonna rule, I'm gonna give them gifts of gold frankincense, and muir. Seriously though I'm gonna make this an event to remember. :rock:
Clayman and The Jester Race are my favorite. I'm not the biggest fan of any of their new material, but I did think the guitars were pretty decent in Take This Life... but hey.. that's me.
Why does everyone give new in flames so much crap? Their new stuff is not as good as Colony or Jester Race, but its still pretty rocking. Come Clarity is a little more consistent than the last two - only 3 or 4 obviously weak songs but not that varied.
AlphaTemplar said:
Why does everyone give new in flames so much crap? Their new stuff is not as good as Colony or Jester Race, but its still pretty rocking. Come Clarity is a little more consistent than the last two - only 3 or 4 obviously weak songs but not that varied.

As far as I've noticed they've been getting less crap than I think they should. Based on a lot of reactions I've read I can say with confidence that I think a lot of people are relieved that they stopped sucking as hard as they did and that's playing into their opinion of this album more than the music itself. Whatever it is, they can still say "At least it isn't Reroute."

And at this point in the progression of my musical taste, I don't consider the Jester Race a good album anymore. So something that isn't as good as it can at most still only be below average in my opinion.

I still like their other stuff though.
I still don't understand what all the hatred was against R2R? Jester Race and Reroute are my two favorite albums.

I love this new one though, too. Hopefully next time aorund they add even more guitar, that would be great. Leeches and Come Clarity are great songs.
I'm not liking the new album. I really don't understand how In Flames are so popular now, Anders can not sing at all! Does anyone like his clean vocals?

The guitars are pretty cool though:p
IcedEarth556 said:
I'm not liking the new album. I really don't understand how In Flames are so popular now, Anders can not sing at all! Does anyone like his clean vocals?

The guitars are pretty cool though:p

I like his clean vocals in Passenger much more than in In Flames.