New In Flames

why does Anders not suck in Dark Tranquillity but is like the worst vocalist evAr with In Flames?
Because overall- Dark Tranquility >> In Flames.
Seriously though I only thought his vocals started sucking on the past few albums personally.
I created a thread about the new IF in the GMD forum, so post your thoughts there as well. Anyway, I think Demilich got that list backwards. :lol:

americans > pedophilia > in flames > most things

Canadians. We get exposed to your social rejects and rednecks more, cause its cheaper for them to come up here, shoot our animals, shoot our pets and then make an ass of themselves around our towns. Than it is to fly to palestine.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
We get exposed to your social rejects and rednecks more, cause its cheaper for them to come up here, shoot our animals, shoot our pets and then make an ass of themselves around our towns.

Yeah but those people are from "Red States". Ignore them, their parents are siblings. :loco:
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
i thought the northern 2 layers of states were consider blue. *shrug*
perhaps this handy map will help you out:

That map is hilarious. When I first saw it, I thought the entire USA was green, but they have been selective I see.

Fucking Alaska...and Hawaii too btw!

Ohio was the big one though. I honestly thought they'd go blue just with the way they got so f'd over in the recession.