New In Flames

Jesusland = red states

the joke in this case stems from the 2004 election, in which every jesusland state voted (meaning the majority of each state's popular vote) for Bush.
and yeah, it's fucking hilarious. one of the best things i've ever seen on teh intarweb.

and how fitting it ends up in an In Flames thread, since they are on the verge of becoming Red State Rock. :loco:
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Because overall- Dark Tranquility >> In Flames.
Seriously though I only thought his vocals started sucking on the past few albums personally.

His vocals on TJR and Whoracle are fucking awesome.
heh, my sons name is anders and yeah, i got the name from the jester race CD i have. i just thought it sounded cool. i dont even know the dudes last name. hahaha better than shitty american names.
yeah, thats what i thought. i wanted a european/scandinavian name for him and just started going through my CDs. haha
thats a bit over the top though. didnt want him to have to "explain" his name for the rest of his life.
markgugs said:
Nad, aren't you the guy who LIKES nu-metal? :tickled:
i do? well, about once every year i listen to (hed)pe for 30 minutes and the first korn album is okay for like 5 songs every 3 years. i think that's about the extent of my nu-metal shenanigans, feel free to correct me if i'm wrong. :dopey:
Actually I dunno man, if this album had only the good parts and cut the crap, it could have been pretty cool. It would also have fit onto a 7". As it is though, signal-to-noise ratio is pretty bad so it's definitely not a BUY or ZOMG-THEY-DID-MAKE-THE-JESTER-RACE-2 type thing so don't get your hopes up, but you know, it's not utterly, absolutely terrible and none of the songs seem to be CLOUD CONNECTED or THE QUIET PLACE here.

Listen to "Leeches" from 01:40 to about 02:15 for cool lead work of the kind In Flames USED to be known for. Then it goes into this absolutely terrible jumpdafukup riff, and then the chorus is kinda catchy and has clean vocals that aren't UTTERLY horrible for once.

The title track, "Come Clarity", opens with some old-style folk acoustics which they haven't done since 1999, which is neat! then ABSOLUTELY ATROCIOUS ANDERS FRIDEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING whine-vox come in and ruin the mood. NEXT

Far too many tracks on this album try to be "brutal" and go 2/4 all the time only to end up sounding like shit. Also, just because there was a fan backlash against the last three albums doesn't mean the path to go is to play generic Gothenburg riffs ("Vacuum") because ripping off Slaughter of the Soul has been done about 50000 times already. "Crawl Through Knives" has more generic riffage but is kinda catchy, eh.

"Reflect the Storm" is possibly the coolest song on here. It's almost "Colony". But the chorus is gay.

"Scream". Utter fucking bollocks. Big dumb groove riffs all around. Shit, shit, shit song. Fuck off.

Ugh ya ok this is pretty bad. "Our Infinite Struggle". DROPPING ALL THE GUITARS DURING THE VERSE IS A BAD FUCKING IDEA. It was bad in 1996 it is bad now. Fuck off.

"Vanishing Light" has harmony leads and a stupid fucking verse. Fuck off.

The first track is crap. It tries to be fast and semi-brutal and ends up sounding like a MIDI version of Slaughter of the Soul played too fast.


There is one semi-cool track here, "Reflect the Storm", and even so it's more Clayman than The Jester Race. Another loser of an album, it just doesn't lose to such an immense extent as the previous two. It would kinda make more logical sense to put this between Gayman and Reroute to Remain in the discography.
Lur said:
i do? well, about once every year i listen to (hed)pe for 30 minutes and the first korn album is okay for like 5 songs every 3 years. i think that's about the extent of my nu-metal shenanigans, feel free to correct me if i'm wrong. :dopey:

I must be mistaken then! I still think you're just peaches.
how about we collectively lighten up a bit by listening to some decidedly shitty ass tunes

as if a global pandemic and the fall of the united states of america wasn't bad enough, somehow these losers found it in their best interests to, instead of doing something productive like not recording any more in flames music, re-record an album from back when they were semi-tolerable

i present to you "clayman" re-recorded 2020

there's three more songs of this shit coming through the pipes hold on to yer butts
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