New In Flames

i really, really don't know who listens to in flames unironically in 2020

like obviously the kids don't give a single shit and they must have alienated literally every old fan by now
Oh my. Oh my, no.

I have not been able to make it through a single song of theirs in about 8 albums now. Or whenever it was that they turned really...... not In Flames. I try every so often, and once a chorus hits I vomit in my mouth, it's just gross. I still love The Jester Race and Subterranean though, and then Lunar Strain for the most part.

I mean the dude that started the band gave up and quit. They have zero original members now, right? How the fuck does that even happen?!
So now I find out that Opeth has zero original members either. Of course I discover such madness in 2020.

Is this a Swedish thing? Erik will you some day leave Nasheim but your Ibanez RG will carry on the legacy?