New Joey interview - very interesting

Social Distortion

The Voice of Reason
Sep 10, 2004
Lahti Rock City, Finland

Metal Sucks: From a fan's point of view, it seems like ANTHRAX has trouble keeping singers happy. How do you feel about that?

Joey Belladonna: I don't know what that is. For me, it isn't hard for me to be in the band and stay motivated and be easy to get along with and stuff. I guess sometimes they're finicky about what sound they want and who they want in the band. It blows my mind. Sometimes when you're there, you're like, "Jeez, am I OK? Is everything good? Am I still okay for your guys?" I'm sure it's gonna run through my mind. I don't like to be in that situation, but unfortunately that's what it seems. They assured me that they're quite happy to have it happen, so we'll definitely find out. I'm going to keep my head straight up and do what I do, you know? Hopefully everything plays itself out.

Metal Sucks: Do you mean to say that the guys in the band are hard to read?

Joey Belladonna: Uh, sometimes. People have different perspectives on what kind of voice they like and what style should be in the band. To me it's like … I was with the band "It's great, Joe, but we're looking for something like this." Man, I'd be like [magnanimously] "Ohhh really? Wow. That sucks." [laughs]

Metal Sucks: [laughs]

Joey Belladonna: "Oh, you want him! What am I doing in this band?" It's a relationship. You hope that all the colors match and you like what you're doing. I certainly think that what I did with them, and can do with them, could be quite cool. It has been — so I never had any doubts — but when somebody starts thinking about it, I guess you get a little hesitation. I don't know if that's [pauses]… great either, but I don't know if it's bad. Everybody's got opinions.

Metal Sucks: Like you said, it's a relationship. Sometimes you have doubts. There was a neat John Bush interview recently wherein he listed like a half dozen really good reasons for him to not return to ANTHRAX. How were you able to sweep those aside and get with ANTHRAX?

Joey Belladonna: Overall, it's a business. You want the business to be efficient and well done and proper. But being in a band, you want to be able to do what you do and be who you are with the right intentions. You want to be comfortable to sing [the way] you can do. It's hard to mold a voice or just switch the switch and be somebody different. I finally have my own style over the years that I feel comfortable with and that's what I do. To, maybe, alter it in a way that's not real, or forced … you're just hoping you don't have to really deal with too much of that. You hope for "Hey, you do good what you do. You do it. That's the way we like it!" [To which you reply] "Alright! Awesome!" You hope to hear those things, instead of kinda getting bumped every way, like I'm doing this wrong or doing that wrong. It's like "Fuuuudge." But those are the big things. I get a lot of … like everybody, I don't care. I don't have to hang out. You can do whatever you want to get it done, as long as everybody is real comfortable having you. I love when we're playing and [someone says] "Dude, that was awesome!" "Yeah that was rippin'!" You want to get that fun in there. Have everybody dig what's going on, and not doubt it.

Metal Sucks: It's been reported that some material from the "Worship Music" album [unreleased ANTHRAX album with Dan Nelson on vocals] will feature new vocals from you, and other songs will be totally new. Is that accurate?

Joey Belladonna: Yeah, there's going to be some new songs for sure. I'm banking on all that happening. And some tweaking, re-doing, and re-structuring — anything that needs to be done. There are some songs that really are quite well done. I'll do one [in concert on this tour]. I did my part on it. It had the outer boundaries intact, so it was just a matter of getting in there, refreshing it, and putting the stamp on it. But there are a bunch of songs like that — four, five, six — that's alright too.

Metal Sucks: One point that gets lost in the discussion is that the changes in ANTHRAX aren't limited to singers; there's also a move back to pre-Bush ANTHRAX sound.

Joey Belladonna: Right now, I haven't heard a whole lot of the songs. I've had some stuff in the past that I've checked out. I wasn't certain about what style was coming down, but yeah the approach is little older school, but definitely with some of the newer twists. You know, all of the above. I don't know if one's more than the other. I haven't heard enough of it yet. We haven't gone into too much pre-production for me to verify that.

Metal Sucks: So you haven't heard all of what they'd finished?

Joey Belladonna: No.

Metal Sucks: That's kinda interesting. I'm surprised by that. It seems like it will be a tough record to release because it's going to be so totally scrutinized.

Joey Belladonna: Oh yeah. It's gonna be one of those things. About your question earlier, about reservations about things — that's the third thing. Maybe not in that order. It sucks that you're in this line of fire where it's like "He did this, he was that" … who cares. He did that, now I'm back. I do what I do, and he did what he did. He's different, I'm different, and that's it. It stinks when you gotta be held to a certain standard. John might've had the same [experience]. I don't know. It's something that I really didn't have to do early on. You are who you are. If you like the band, you like the way we do things, then cool. But now you got "Well, I liked it when he…" and all that [groans]. I have to disregard a lot of it, because you know what? I can only do what I do and hopefully they dig it.
Oh no, now i am worried. ANTHRAX: if you want this guy as your singer, then let him be who he is, because you guys were very successful with him as he is, and that's a lot better than him trying to sing in a way he can't, or having no singer at all. you know what you're getting with Joey so make the best of it and make it work!!! i know you guys aren't all single and in your 20s anymore but you need to try to connect and be 1 strong family unit or the band is going to fail.
MMMmm...fresh from Joeyland Farms and now 100% Bush-free. *Warning: May exacerbate irritable bowel syndrome in Bushbabies*

6er aren't you the one who wrote in a previous post that Joey is a better singer but John is the better Anthrax singer.???? I don't get you, you make absolutely no sense with your posts.
When Anthrax is dedicated to detuning to C#, yes he is, but we all know that oldschool Thrax lays waste to NickelBush.

Uh....yeah...sure....ok. And what's with the NickelBush??? I don't get that either, is that like instead of Joey Belladonna we should just refer to him as Journey Belladonna???
those guys are lucky to have joey. he seems pretty straight forward and drama-free. he has a good attitude and is sort of like, "hey, if they like my singing... great. if not, then whatever... there's not much i can do about it." he just seems like a cool guy.

you know, even if it didn't work out this time around with anthrax, he is going to keep on singing and performing on his own no matter what. he'll always have a strong fanbase.
MMMmm...fresh from Joeyland Farms and now 100% Bush-free. *Warning: May exacerbate irritable bowel syndrome in Bushbabies*

I have Crohn's disease (a form of IBD) and the voice of my favorite singer-John Bush-has done nothing but keep me going strong.

Do you even have a job or go to school? You've posted more in the last month than I've posted in six years.
I find it weird that They haven't played all the new stuff to Joey...I mean if I'd go to a new job I'd want to know what I'm supposed to do....I'd want to "see the whole picture". They played Worship Music to John and he liked some of it...

Is this matter of trust or what?

6er aren't you the one who wrote in a previous post that Joey is a better singer but John is the better Anthrax singer.???? I don't get you, you make absolutely no sense with your posts.

That's because he just praises everything Scott and Charlie currently decided for Anthrax, and they don't make any sense either. If they'd got Bush back he would be praising him. It's called fanboy-without-own-arguments-at-all-syndrome.
The Ignore List is the funniest feature ever! Those who use it end up either completely lost or even more infuriated because they read the quotes of the posts they are trying to ignore. LOL


Nah. Most people put you on ignore, so they don't really miss anything since you never make sense anyway.
Yeah...but difficult to understand because of his slurred articulation....:)
Incurable Bushbaby Dementia? So, they removed a foot and a half of intestine because I'm a forgetful infant child of Bush? You're a smart one.
Man sounds like Joey isn't too confident, he needs to be, I bet this new record will rule with him. His voice is very different from John's but they're both great in their own way. He's needs to go into this situation with his head up and be proud of what he's done and what he will make this next record. As a musician myself I know that confidence is everything when performing live, I sure hope Joey has it because he has proved his greatness a long time ago. C'mon Joey you're our boy now so deliver!!