New Killswitch CD

Listened to it a few times, just seems like generic metalcore stuff to me. None of the tracks really stood out or grabbed my attention.
boring. there was one riff on the entire cd that i thought was good (the opening riff on declaration). the rest of the cd was just boring, predictable, generic, boring, whiney, unimagitive, boring crap.

did i mention it was boring?
It was far inferior to the superior Alive or Just Breathing. That album was great. The new one was a huge disappointment. For some reason the production just doesn't sound as good, and there are too many filler tracks. The previous album actually got better towards the end and had a strong climax with the last track. The End of Heartache is a boring album; not nearly as good as its predecessor.
well, the metalcore isn't the bad part of it. It was just the same thing over and over again throughout the entire album. There was hardly any variation, although they tried to switch it up I guess...bluh their previous shit was a lot better
Christie_fell said:
well, the metalcore isn't the bad part of it. It was just the same thing over and over again

You mean metalcore isn't mostly the recycling of the same exact stuff 500 times and spit out by a ton of bands all claiming to be unique?

BtBaM are one of the few metalcore bands I can give a flying fuck about, since they totally kick anus. :D