New Killswitch Engage track...

First thoughts was jesus H christ, that snare is LOUD! Seriously it actually distracts me from the rest of the song. After a few listens though im a bit dissapointed in the actual track, its not bad but i feel its like killswitch by numbers. The album shall deffinatly be checked out though, any idea when the release is?
Stoked! This is my favorite band by fars bc they seem to always deliver songs that are really well written and powerful. But then again I love this more accessible sounding stuff.
Studio pictures that were up on the roadrunner site the other month show'd a mesa triple rectifier and a marshall vintage modern.

and a 5150!


idk sounds to much like something youd hear on the radio
and the blasting is out of place lol

i agree its a good song, but commpared to old kse im not feelin this one too much :erk:
I also thought the snare was too loud the entire time...and those chords on the chorus are the cookie-cutter chords that the guitar basically hands to you if you don't spend any time trying to be creative. I've liked KsE for a long time, but it doesn't sound like a whole lot of work went into the songwriting. I don't know... I'll probably buy the album regardless!