New KoRn album.

...the last gasp of the nu-metal movement.

The video is cool though - but the band are pretty tedious. Bought the first album, didn't like it.

They just sound horribly dated now, and not in a good way.
I always thought Korn were one of those bands that tried too hard. If you're a badass, it should be apparent. You don't have to go out of your way in every interview to prove how "different" you are.
Karina_666 said:
I always thought Korn were one of those bands that tried too hard. If you're a badass, it should be apparent. You don't have to go out of your way in every interview to prove how "different" you are.

amen to that, if you have to tell people you are fucked up and badass, you probably aint very fucked up or badass at all.......

its like people who have to explain thier jokes.... um if you have to explain them they aint very funny.......
It's an individual's choice to listen to whatever they want. Try not to get caught up in the - I won't listen to and will cut down anyone who likes rap, top 40, classical, jazz, etc. because someone might think that I'm not metal enough.
jpike said:
Not to be an asshole but how can anyone who likes PanterA go out and buy the new korn cd:confused:

to me korn is good in small doses and i used to be a HUUUGEE korn fanatic so i want to see how their new cd sounds
I love the cover design of the new korn album. lon time i dosnt saw i cover style like marillion art, some kind of alice in wonderland, beautiful cover.

the limited digipack version is greater than devil design

i think they have good grovving base sound for this album but i think the songwriting quality is not very great
only ever like got the life and freak on a leash songs,also i rememebr one song off an earlier allbum with lyrics,knick knack paddy give the dog a bone,i dont really think i bothered much after that lol