New Mac user seeking some assistance!


New Metal Member
Sep 6, 2011
So recently I've upgraded from a Windows PC to a Mac, which for the most part, absolutely think is wonderful and far more fast/stable (in my opinion).

Although, I'm struggling to find some "quality" free vst's made for Mac OS's. I'm extremely disappointed that the TSE x50, TSE 808 and LeCab are all not compatible! So I'm stuck with the trusty old LeCto, and some no name impulse loader, which I'm not entirely happy with.

So if it would be possible, we could perhaps turn this into the 'Ultimate Mac Free VST/AU resource thread'.


Wow! Thank you so much for that list Adrian, you have managed to fully restore my hope in the selection of vsts for Macs!

That impulse loader looks far far better than what I was previously using.
FWIW, Reaper is fantastic on OSX, and loading up cab impulses with it is extremely simple. Basically just add an instance of ReaVerb, point it at your impulse file and you're done.

Woah, I wasn't aware of that! It seems like a very good alternative to the LA Convoler AU plugin.

Got another question for you guys, are there any decent Tube Screamer vst's out? Since the TSE 808 isn't compatible for Mac's I've been endlessly searching on Google for the next best thing. :bah:
Woah, I wasn't aware of that! It seems like a very good alternative to the LA Convoler AU plugin.

Got another question for you guys, are there any decent Tube Screamer vst's out? Since the TSE 808 isn't compatible for Mac's I've been endlessly searching on Google for the next best thing. :bah:

I personally use the TS in pod farm, but I don't know of others outside of pod farm...
What loaders and amp sims you use for logic? last night i tried using lecto and logic's own space designer loaded with some random cab impulses.
I feel like i should get to this whole reamping thing, i'v been using pod xt sounds like for ages... :err:
What loaders and amp sims you use for logic? last night i tried using lecto and logic's own space designer loaded with some random cab impulses.
I feel like i should get to this whole reamping thing, i'v been using pod xt sounds like for ages... :err:

I mainly mic my guitar tones, although for rough ideas and noodling around I just use amp sims. You can get 'wrappers' for vst's to load them as AU files in Logic, look up VSTAU Manager. Haven't gotten around to trying that program yet, but from what I've read on various sites that seems to be the go-to program for running vst's in Logic.

Sweet, that is exactly what I'm after. Finally got a neat little stockpile of 'quality' free vst/AU's for me to work with.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys! Been a real big help and hopefully it will help out others who are in the same situation as me. :)