new mastodon?

Anybody have updated feelings on Blood Mountain?

I'm listening to Remission right now, and it's kicking my ass. I heard a Leviathon track earlier and it ruled. I need to know if I should listen to the new one. I got a free copy but never even opened it.
Blood Mountain was one of the best albums from last year. I don't spin it a whole lot anymore, but last I did (month or so back), it was still quite awesome.

I'm going to go put it on right now god dammit.
Yeah, there is some solid shit here. Maybe not as coherent as Leviathan, but you can also so it's not as single-minded at the same time.

One thing about Mastodon, it seems they are right on the verge of being pure genius, but don't quite surmount it. Then again I've only heard these two albums, maybe Remission has that little tiny piece that is missing.
Yeah, there is some solid shit here. Maybe not as coherent as Leviathan, but you can also so it's not as single-minded at the same time.

One thing about Mastodon, it seems they are right on the verge of being pure genius, but don't quite surmount it. Then again I've only heard these two albums, maybe Remission has that little tiny piece that is missing.

Remission fucking slays Leviathon!
I'm not a fanboy, the first 20 times I heard Leviathan I didn't "get" it. It wasn't until Blood Mountain (a blind purchase, don't ask me) that I revisited Leviathan and went omg... wtf? lol!

I'll get Remission. Someday.
Maybe I should mail it to you finally. Now that I have your home address and all that good stuff. In fact, can I just send you ALL the -core stuff that's sitting under the old dog bowl in the basement next to the madder mortem warped vinyl
Fun fact: when the woman and I merged CDs, I finally got all kinds of Siouxsie stuff added to my collection. We're seeing her in a few months. :kickass:
I need to hear Blood Mountain!

Leviathon is fucking awesome as well! :kickass:
This will be like Throw Momma From the Train: criss-cross! I'll upload it later tonight.
Fun fact: when the woman and I merged CDs, I finally got all kinds of Siouxsie stuff added to my collection. We're seeing her in a few months. :kickass:

awesome. you even remember that reference from the review.

By the way, did you end up with any doubles in your CD merge? We ended up with 2 x Janes Addiction, Public Enemy, and Radiohead. Oh and 2 'Deth Cryptic Writings as well.
awesome. you even remember that reference from the review.

By the way, did you end up with any doubles in your CD merge? We ended up with 2 x Janes Addiction, Public Enemy, and Radiohead. Oh and 2 'Deth Cryptic Writings as well.
Dude I read that review about 50 times, that along with the Swans you did were probably the peak of RC. :kickass: Can you email/post/send/whatever that Madder Mortem one? I think I have it somewhere but I needs to read it again. :notworthy

haha, I remember the Cryptic Writing doubling you talked about. I still think that is a good album, just sags in the middle but picks up at the end.

She had a handful of CD-Rs that I had in my collection like Radiohead, but the only duplicate is Prodigy - Fat of the Land. Well, and Tool - Lateralus because I gave her one of my extra copies before we moved in together. :loco:
Put me down for another one in the category of "yeah, it's good, but I don't listen to it much" for 'Blood Mountain'. Hmm, I guess that might just be a limp-wristed way of saying "it's crap". Then again, I might say the same thing about all their albums.

Live Mastodon > (Recorded Mastodon x 10)

The core vocals are gone for an almost completely easy listening experience. I'm reluctant to say whether or not that is a good thing. Ken, I must admit that the first three tracks are absolutely tedious on first listen. It's amazing just how much brute vocalization brings to brilliantly played fine tuned guitars and stellar drumming. Fortunately by the fourth track Mastodon has weathered the Ice Age and has emerged a pachyderm who is unable to be poached by the popular masses. If you didn't like their previous outings due to their core stylings (Acie), you may want to give this group another shot.

4.The Czar
5.Ghost of Karelia
6.Crack the Skye
7.The Last Baron
why am I downloading this? But I'll trust you on this Jerry ...
I always felt there was a lot they have to offer its just was delivered in such mish mosh packages before.