new mastodon?

As decent as the new one is I had to throw Leviathan on after it was over. Aurel, don't dismiss the album until you get up to The Czar, it's where the album really begins. They should have made this a 4 song EP.
As decent as the new one is I had to throw Leviathan on after it was over. Aurel, don't dismiss the album until you get up to The Czar, it's where the album really begins. They should have made this a 4 song EP.

should I just skip the first 3 songs altogether, or will listening to them first enhance the goodness of the rest?
ok track #1 reminded me of Stone Temple Pilots for some reason.
but so far you guys are right, this doesn't even sound like Mastodon ...
i am also feeling that this needs to be cranked on speakers for full effect, headphones aint working.

ok, ... track 2 has some pretty awesome ass kicking jamming.
I'm downloading now. Pretty pumped, I still need to listen to Blood Mountain, and I even own it :erk:
I picked this up at best buy(first time I bought an album at best buy since the last Mastodon dropped, I think). Fucking album slays.
not to be annoying, but man, i thought this bands first two albums blew ass. the vocals were atrocious. they seem to be in the same group as wittr, hipster band.
i actually listened to the entire thing ... it started off good, but then it kind of all bleneded together as it went along.
standout track on first listen is track 2, mostly for its jamming and memorable vocal lines
This is pretty fucking sweet. I barely hear anything that is similar to their first two albums though.
The album is so fucking proggy. Am I crazy that I hear a faira mount of Psychotic Waltz? The vocals and the crazy melodies remind me of them quite a bit.