New Megadeth song...

I actually thought The System Has Failed was good.... DEFINATLY not their best, but still better than Risk.

and with the "Dave is a christian whiny bitch!" comment, I must say, when I met him, he was cocky in a funny way, but not at all a whiny bitch and he didn't even mention his religion at all.
I actually thought The System Has Failed was good.... DEFINATLY not their best, but still better than Risk.

and with the "Dave is a christian whiny bitch!" comment, I must say, when I met him, he was cocky in a funny way, but not at all a whiny bitch and he didn't even mention his religion at all.

im guessing you've never read his Metallica comments...
and not letting who was it, Rotting Christ tour with Megadeth.
Reading the lyrics to the new record makes me cringe. Dave may be alot of things but politically and culturally astute certainly is not one of them any more.

Some of the nonsense he's crammed into those songs is just ridiculous.

On the other hand, musically I'm sure it will be quite decent.
well if it's coming from Andy himself you shouldn't expect something else... if he wants to be hired again be better says the album is good!
I know it's trendy to semi-bash Megadeth, but...

the last album was quite good.

they host the premiere annual metal tour in the US.

the band is road-proven shit-hot right now, on stage and perhaps in studio.

Let's hope for the best and here's something to remember...

Ashes in Your Mouth
I know it's trendy to semi-bash Megadeth, but...

the last album was quite good.

they host the premiere annual metal tour in the US.

the band is road-proven shit-hot right now, on stage and perhaps in studio.

Let's hope for the best and here's something to remember...

Ashes in Your Mouth

Couldn't of said it better. One of my first metal shows was Megadeth back in 97 and since then I've seen them 3 more times. Although my interest in them isn't what it used to be, they're still a great band and I'm sure UA will be a good record.
im not saying that the new megadeth song is that bad, but i think when it comes to keeping true to your original sound, slayer takes the cake. KK sucks but then again he's always sucked. The new slayer material sounds like every other slayer cd ive ever heard so good for them.